Toplam kayıt 5, listelenen: 1-5

    • Basiri ve Türkçe Şiirleri 

      Kartal, Ahmet (İlim Yayma Cemiyeti, 2000-09)
      Anatolia, with the conquest of Alp Arslan in 1071, became a place of freedam of thoughts, where organized state government prevailed and fine arts developed. Because of sultans' appreciation of poets and scholars, many ...
    • Hadi'nin Saray Şehrengizi 

      Aydemir, Yaşar (Kitabevi, 2001-09)
      In this article, firstly it is emphasized on "Şehrengiz" which is peculiar to Divan Literature. Secondly, Hâdî's book which gives detailed information about Ottoman palace in Edirne, is examined . Names, epithets and ...
    • İmale ile Med Arasında bir Hata 

      Pala, İskender (İlim Yayma Cemiyeti, 2000-09)
      This study analyses, interprets and examplifies the subject "imale" and "med", two problematics of the "aruz" meter. The histarical process in which these two words have became literary terms are explained as well.
    • Münşeat Mecmuaları ve Edebiyat Tarihimiz İçin Önemi 

      Haksever, Halil İbrahim (İlim Yayma Cemiyeti, 2000-09)
      This work is concerned with the tinportance of "Münşeat Mecmuaları" (Collections of official letters) for the Literary history. These works has been written in the field of prose. The majority of the authors in this field ...
    • Sır Kâtibi Mustafa Nedim Ağa ve Zafernâme-İ Gâzî Sultan Mustafa Han 

      Beşenk, Gamze (KOCAV Kültür Ocağı Vakfı, 2022)
      Zafernâmeler hem eser hem de müstakil belgelerdir. Fethin gerçekleştiğini savaşılan ülkenin hükümdarına haber vermek amacıyla diplomasi gereği gönderilen mektupların yanında elde edilen zaferi kutlamak için müellifler ...