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dc.contributor.authorÜngör, Burcu
dc.contributor.authorAgayev, Nazım
dc.contributor.authorHalıcıoğlu, Sait
dc.contributor.authorHarmancı, Abdullah
dc.identifier.citationÜNGÖR, Burcu, Nazım AGAYEV, & Sait HALICIOĞLU, & Abdullah HARMANCI. "Endo-principally projective modules." Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, 43-1 (2013): 41-49.en_US
dc.description.abstractLet R be an arbitrary ring with identity and M a right R-module with S = EndR(M). In this paper, we introduce a class of modules that is a generalization of principally projective (or simply p.p.) rings and Baer modules. The module M is called endo-principally pro- jective (or simply endo-p.p.) if for any m 2 M, lS(m) = Se for some e2 = e 2 S. For an endo-p.p. module M, we prove that M is endo- rigid (resp., endo-reduced, endo-symmetric, endo-semicommutative) if and only if the endomorphism ring S is rigid (resp., reduced, symmetric, semicommutative), and we also prove that the module M is endo-rigid if and only if M is endo-reduced if and only if M is endo-symmetric if and only if M is endo-semicommutative if and only if M is abelian. Among others we show that if M is abelian, then every direct summand of an endo-p.p. module is also endo-p.p. AMS Mathematics Subject Classi cation (2010): 13C99, 16D80, 16U80. Key words and phrases: Baer modules, quasi-Baer modules, endo-princi- pally quasi-Baer modules, endo-p.p. modules, endo-symmetric modules, endo-reduced modules, endo-rigid modules, endo-semicommutative mod- ules, abelian modules.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Saden_US
dc.titleEndo-principally Projective Modulesen_US

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