Toplam kayıt 2, listelenen: 1-2

    • Atmospheric Things: On the Allure of Elemental Envelopment 

      Köseoğlu, Emine (Routledge, 2018)
      McCormack’s book seems simply about balloons. The book puts balloons between the concepts of atmosphere and envelopment to make these issues tangible and noticeable. Yet the object balloon is not a device of simply ...
    • Handbook on Cities and Complexity 

      Köseoğlu, Emine (Taylor & Francıs Ltd., 2022)
      The book ‘Handbook on Cities and Complexity’ edited by Juval Portugali, in general, brings two basic words together: city and complexity. This is, indeed, a simple yet meaningfully strong attempt to propositionally phrase ...