Browsing by Author "Özen, Tahire"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
On a Class of Semicommutative Modules
Agayev, Nazım; Özen, Tahire; Harmancı, Abdullah (Springer, 2009)Let R be a ring with identity,M a right R-module and S = EndR(M). In this note, we introduce S-semicommutative, S-Baer, S-q.-Baer and S-p.q.-Baer modules. We study the relations between these classes of modules. Also we ... -
On a Class of Semicommutative Rings
Özen, Tahire; Agayev, Nazım; Harmancı, Abdullah (Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University, 2011)In this paper, a generalization of the class of semicommutative rings is inves- tigated. A ring R is called central semicommutative if for any a; b 2 R, ab = 0 implies arb is a central element of R for each r 2 R. We ... -
On a Generalization of Semisimple Modules
Aghayev, Nazım; Çelik, Cesim; Özen, Tahire (Springer, 2018)Let R be a ring with identity. A module MR is called an r-semisimple module if for any right ideal I of R, MI is a direct summand of MR which is a generalization of semisimple and second modules.We investigate when an ...