Browsing by Author "Köse, Umut"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
5.Nesil Haberleşme Sistemleri İçin Metamalzeme Tabanlı MIMO Anten Tasarımı
İnan, Canan; Köse, Umut; Kavas, Aktül (IEEE, 2021)Bu çalışmada; 5. nesil haberleşme sistemleri için 28 GHz frekans bandında, metamalzeme tabanlı, 4 portlu MIMO anten tasarlanmıştır. İlk olarak, 50 Ω empedans değerine sahip mikroşerit besleme hattının tek tarafına ... -
Design and Performance Analysis of Split Ring Resonator Based Microstrip Antenna With Defected Ground Structure
Köse, Umut; Kavas, Aktül (IEEE, 2020)In this study, antenna performance improvement has been investigated without changing the antenna size at 2.45 GHz. For the proof of concept, three types of microstrip antenna is designed and simulated at 2.4 GHz. Type ... -
The Effects of the Dielectric Substrate Thickness and the Loss Tangent on the Absorption Spectrum: A Comprehensive Study Considering the Resonance Type, the Ground Plane Coupling, and the Characterization Setup
Köse, Umut; Ekmekçi, Evren (TÜBİTAK, 2023)In this study, the effects of dielectric substrate thickness and the dielectric loss tangent on the absorption spectrum are investigated parametrically in S-band. The study has been conducted on two different absorber ... -
Electrical Size Reduction of Microstrip Antennas by Using Defected Ground Structures Composed of Complementary Split Ring Resonator
Küçüköner, Elif M.; Çınar, Alparslan; Köse, Umut; Ekmekçi, Evren (Advanced Electromagnetics, 2021)In this study the effects of using defected ground structures (DGS) composed of a complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) and CSRR with dumbbell (CSRR-D) for rectangular microstrip antennas are investigated. On this ... -
A Low-Cost Microwave Hybrid Biosensor for Glucose Concentration Sensing
Köse, Umut; Kartal, Mesut (IEEE, 2024)This study uses a hybrid biosensor consisting of a patch antenna with a defected ground plane and a frequencyselective surface (FSS) to detect glucose concentration in the microwave frequency region. The sensing mechanism ... -
Mikroşerit Yama Antenlerde Frekans Seçici Yüzeyler (FSY) Kullanılarak Empedans Uyumlandırma
Köse, Umut; Kartal, Mesut (IEEE, 2022)Mikroşerit yama antenlerde; besleme hattı ile anten arasında empedans uyumunun iyileştirilmesi, yansıma verimini artırmaktadır. Literatürde bulunan empedans uyumlandırma teknikleri, anten geometrisine ve besleme tipine ... -
The Use of Metamaterial Type Double-Sided Resonator Structures in Humidity and Concentration Sensing Applications
Ekmekçi, Evren; Köse, Umut; Çınar, Alparslan; Ertan, Özgür; Ekmekçi, Zeynep (Elsevier, 2019)In this study, the applications of ordinary double-sided split ring resonator (DSRR), double-sided L-type resonator (DLTR) and double-sided closed-cross-ring resonator (DCCR) structures in humidity sensing of chickpea ...