Browsing by Author "Temel, Zeynep"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Functional Neural Networks Stratify Parkinson’s Disease Patients Across the Spectrum of Cognitive Impairment
Hajebrahimi, Farzin; Budak, Miray; Saricaoglu, Mevhibe; Temel, Zeynep; Demir, Tugce Kahraman; Hanoglu, Lutfu; Yildirim, Suleyman; Bayraktaroglu, Zubeyir (Wiley, 2024)Introduction: Cognitive impairment (CI) is a significant non-motor symptoms inParkinson’s disease (PD) that often precedes the emergence of motor symptoms by several years. Patients with PD hypothetically progress from ... -
Optimization of Morris Water Maze Protocols: Effects of Water Temperature and Hypothermia on Spatial Learning and Memory in Aged Female Rats
Oran, Duygu Sultan; Temel, Zeynep; Başer, İbrahim Gökşin; Temizyürek, Arzu; Selcan, Ayşin (Turkish Geriatrics Society, 2024)Aging is a highly complex process driven by a multitude of factors. The use of humans in aging research is complicated by many factors (ethical issues; environmental and social factors; long natural life span). ... -
Yetişkinlerde Kendini Sabotaj: Mükemmelliyetçilik, Öz Eleştirel Ruminasyon ve Metakognitif İnançlarla İlişkisinin İncelenmesi
Manav, Arzu Nur (Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi, 2023)Kendini sabotaj, kişinin kendi performansına sözel veya davranışsal engeller oluşturması olarak ifade edilmektedir. Psikolojik iyi oluşu olumsuz etkilemekte ve erteleme, alkol madde bağımlılığı gibi uyumsuz davranışların ...