Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Improving the Surface Quality and Mechanical Properties of Selective Laser Sintered PA2200 Components by the Vibratory Surface Finishing Process
(Springer, 2021)
This paper attempts to improve the physical and mechanical properties of selective laser sintered polyamide PA2200
components through a vibratory surface finishing process by inducing severe plastic deformation at the ...
Estimation of Surface Roughness in Selective Laser Sintering Using Computational Models
(Springer, 2022)
This study presents a comprehensive experimental dataset and a novel classification model based on Deep Neural Networks
to estimate surface roughness for additive manufacturing. Many problems exist due to the very complex ...
Weibull Distribution of Selective Laser Melted AlSi10Mg Parts for Compression Testing
(Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 2021)
Selective laser melting (SLM) is an additive manufacturing process to fabricate three-dimensional structures by fusing powder particles using a computer-guided laser source. The SLM
process can produce lightweight bespoke ...
Estimation of the Compression Strength and Surface Roughness of the As-Built SLS Components Using Weibull Distribution
(Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 2021)
Selective laser sintering (SLS) is a process of fabrication of three-dimensional structures by fusing powder particles using a guided laser source. The uncertainty in the mechanical properties
of the SLS parts fabricated ...
Thermoplastic Polymers and Polymer Composites Used in Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) Method
(Springer, 2023)
Selective laser sintering (SLS) is a powder bed fusion
(PBF) additive manufacturing (AM) technique that uses
high-energy beams (laser beams, electron beams, or an
infrared panel heater) to coalescence (or melt) ...
Investigation of Wear Behavior of PA 12 Matrix Ceramic Reinforced Composites Produced by Selective Laser Sintering Method
(Gazi University, 2024)
In this study, ceramic-reinforced PA 12 matrix composites were fabricated by using Selective Laser
Sintering (SLS) additive manufacturing method with different energy density values. Additionally, dry
sliding wear tests ...