Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Muammadan Topkapı Sarayı’ndaki Mumyaya, Osmanlı’da Bir Acîb’üş-Şekil: Timsah
(FSM Vakıf Üniversitesi, 2019-06)
Timsahın yaşadığı iklimlerde insan yaşamını tehdit eden yırtıcı bir sürüngen olması,
Antik Mısır’dan itibaren inanç sistemlerinde bir güç sembolü olmasına vesile olmuştur.
Osmanlılar, Mısır’ın fethinden sonra tanıştıkları ...
Restoration of the Outer Treasury and Exhibition of the Section of Arms and Armours in Topkapi Palace Museum
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2012)
This article aims at telling the story of restoration and exhibition of the Section of Arms and Armours (the Outer Treasury) in Topkapi Palace Museum. During this process, not only was the structure experiencing restoration ...
The Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror Museum: The Museumization of a Cultural Asset for an Ottoman Conqueror
(Wiley, 2024)
Conversion to a museum is a common destiny of many
cultural assets that cannot continue to serve their
original functions. They are usually re-functioned
provide public benefits in return for the expenditures
made ...