Tarihi Romanlarımızda (1871-1950) Öğretmen Kahramanlar
TAŞTAN, Zeki. "Tarihî Romanlarımızda (1871-1950) Öğretmen Kahramanlar." İlmî Araştırmalar : Dil, Edebiyat, Tarih İncelemeleri, 14 (2002): 167-182.Özet
An analysis of the hero teachers in the Turkish historical novels is put into three groups. These are the teachers of sultan, the teachers of medrese and the teachers teaching private courses. The topics abaout the teachers of sultans in these novels do not take much place, but the topics about the medrese teachers are intensively written. The charecters of the medrese teachers in these novels are reflected positively. The teachers teaching private courses in the Turkish historical novels are usually seen in the palaces and villas. Most of the teachers teaching private courses are expert in their fields, loyal to their jobs, helpful to their students, honest and reliable.