Klasik Türk Edebiyatında Sosyal Tenkit Örnekleri Olarak "Yuf" Redifli Şiirler
ALICI, Lütfi. "Klâsik Türk Edebiyatında Sosyal Tenkit Örnekleri Olarak "Yuf" Redifli Şiirler." İlmî Araştırmalar : Dil, Edebiyat, Tarih İncelemeleri, 17 (2004): 35-48.Abstract
In Turkish Classical Literature which has its own particular aesthetic properties, the aim of art takes the most important place. Having these aspects, this literature which was accepted for centuries by the society in which it was realised has been criticised from Tanzimat until present for being alienated from social life. Despite the generally accepted sense of art Divan poets expressed in their work the social matters which take place in the society they live. As an example of this it seems that this literature which has the poems of yuf redif having social criticism is not completely far from social matters.