Revitalizing a Declining Residential Area -Samanbahçe- in the Walled City of Nicosia
DORATLI, Naciye, Şebnem HOŞKARA, İbrahim NUMAN, Nezire MULLADAYILAR, & M. Selen ABBASOĞLU. “Revitalizing a Declining Residential Area -Samanbahçe- in the Walled City of Nicosia.” Traditional Enviroments in a New Millennium, (2002): 409-415.Özet
Traditional historic urban quarters, which are special places
not only due to the cultural heritage that they house but also
due to their urban pattern, are in danger of losing their traditional
character, if relevant measures fail to exist to ensure
the continuity of this character.
Just like the island of Cyprus as a whole, as being ruled by
many different conquerors, the Walled City of Nicosia, which
is the core of the capital of the island, has undergone substantial
changes throughout history, to fit the requirements
of different cultures. As a spatial reflection of different socioeconomic
life or attitude of the rulers - Lusignan {1192-
1489); Venetian {1489-1571); Ottoman {1571-1878); British
{1878-1960) -the urban pattern as well as the buildings and
their functions have been modified through time. Consequently,
the traditional historic areas became places of
intermingling cultures.Through ages, the Walled City of Nicosia, with its organic
urban tissue, has always been a pole of attraction in terms
of administrative, economic and cultural activities. However,
due to the clashes between the two communities living
on the Island {the Greeks and the Turks), "a green line"
divided the Walled City of Nicosia into two parts in 1963: the
Turkish sector in the North and the Greek sector in the
South. Until then, the two parts have been developing independently.
After 1970s, due to the political and socio-economic
changes on the Island, and thus, accordingly the changes in
the population and its physical distribution and mobility, the
North part of the Walled City has lost its attractiveness.
Since then, it is in a process of decay and deterioration, and
its functionally distinctive areas are severely threatened by
physical, functional, locational and image obsolescence at
varying degrees, as many other historic quarters elsewhere
in the world.Considering the revitalization of the Walled G)ty in a longterm
perspective, these differences should ge taken into
account for successful decisions for its· sustainability.
Samanbahce, a unique traditional residential area at the
edge of the Kyrenia Avenue in the Walled City of Nicosia, is a unique place not only due to its distinctive physical, urban
and architectural characteristics, but also as being the first
mass-housing area on the Island developed in 1930's by the
Although being located next to the most lively area of the
Walled City, today, Samanbahce area is suffering from physical
and social decay.
The aim of this paper is to propose conservation and revitalization
measures to address the deterioration and obsolescence
process of Samanbahce area, based on a thorough
study at both architectural and urban levels. The method of
the analysis will include a field and a questionnaire survey,
which will convey to an understanding of the environmental
and socio-cultural qualities.
- Mimarlık Bölümü [136]