Browsing Mimarlık Bölümü by Title
Now showing items 22-41 of 132
Case Study on Perspicacity of Collaborative Learning Experiences
(IOP Publishing, 2018)In the attempt to relate to the architectural practice, architectural education today has augmented the development of collaborative learning environment in the campus scenario. Presently, collaborative work among students ... -
Characteristics of Social Formations and Space Syntax Application to Quantify Spatial Confgurations of Urban Regeneration in Levent, Istanbul
(Springer, 2020)In recent years, with the efect of globalization, many domestic and foreign investments have been made in the construction sector in Istanbul. Along with the advantages of these activities, there are also some disadvantages; ... -
Chladni Desenleri ile Deneysel Bir Üç Boyutlu Form Bulma Süreci
(Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2023)Bu çalışma, hareket etkisinde tasarım bağlamında sesin görselleştirilmesi yoluyla biçim bulma süreçleri için bir yöntem oluşturmaya odaklanmaktadır. Farklı ses frekanslarının görsel olarak algılanmasını sağlayan Chladni ... -
Composition and Phase Analysis on Glazed Tiles of Southeast Anatolia: Production Process Identification
(Open Access. Online & Print., 2021)The analytical characterization of cultural heritage materials has a great importance in terms of gaining the scientific knowledge which provides guidance for conservation applications covering the re-integration and ... -
A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Tourists’ Perceptions of Hotel Lobbies
(International Journal of Architectural Research, 2012)This study examines cultural differences in the perception of hotel lobbies. It aims to determine the differences/similarities within spatial preferences in hotel lobbies by focusing on three aspects of space: physical ... -
Cultural Landscape Preservation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Frame of Tourism Development
(Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, 2020)This paper focuses on the linking of heritage preservation policies and tourism development, specifically in relation to the cultural landscapes. For this purpose, historic ensembles Blagaj, Jajce and Travnik, that ... -
Çocuk Kütüphanelerinin Mekansal Tasarım Süreci: Mimarisi ve İç Mekan Tasarım Analizi
(Hiperyayın, 2019)Çocuk kütüphaneleri, çocukların kitaplarla buluşması ve bilgiye erişmesi için önemli mekânlardır. Çocuk(lar) için mekân(lar) tasarlanırken çocukların fiziksel, bilişsel ve zihinsel gelişimine uygun, onları her yönden ... -
Çok Katlı Yapılarda Betonarme Döşeme Sistemleri / İstanbul Örneği
(Ejosat, 2019)Bireylerin çeşitli fonksiyonel davranışlarını mekânsal olarak karşılayan şehirler in , arazi değer ler i yüksek tir . Arazinin verim li kullanımına katkı sağlayan ç ok katlı yapılar, bina izdüşümünün azaltılarak daha ... -
Defining Salient Elements of Environment and Memory
(Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, 2009)Several studies have focused on the physical and architectural features of landmarks. Other studies mentioned the cognitive and semantic aspects of landmarks. It can be noted that there is a methodological and/or ... -
Degeneration of Socio-Urban Fabric at Yenikapı and Proposals for Rehabilitation
(ScienceDirect, 2021)This paper aimed to discuss urban conservation challenges along the axes of two streets in the neighborhood of Yenikapı leading towards Kumkapı. The Yenikapı area of the historic peninsula of Istanbul is known to have ... -
Edebiyatta mekan olarak Boğaziçi: Boğaziçi medeniyeti, semtleri ve yalıları
(Marmara Belediyeler Birliği, 2017)Boğaziçi Dünyada en eski, köklü ve zengin bir tarihe sahip olan şehirlerden biri İstanbul’dur. Tarih boyunca birçok millet İstanbul’a hâkim olmak istemiştir. İstanbul’u birçok devletin gözde mekânı kılan, tarihi ve ... -
Edward Scissorhands and the Realities of Suburbia for an Extraordinary Body
(Bentham Science, 2024)Spatial perception is the process of receiving information from stimuli and transforming it into rneaningful experiences of the built environment. The interaction of the sensing body and the perceived thing plays an ... -
The Effect of Complex Wall Forms on The Room Acoustics An Experimental Case Study
(eCAADe, 2019)The complexity of the wall form affects the acoustics of the space. In this study, the effect of the complex form walls produced by nCloth dynamic simulation on the acoustics of an office space was investigated. In this ... -
The Effect of Muqarnas on Acoustic Quality of Traditional Turkish Bath Interior Space
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2023)Decorative “muqarnas” add charm to the design element and may influence the characteristics of an interior space. This study hypothesises that muqarnas in traditional Turkish baths (hammams) affect acoustic performances ... -
The Effect of User Participation in Satisfaction: Beyciler After-Earthquake Houses in Düzce
(İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 2010)Natural disasters that have occurred in recent years in Turkey have caused loss of property as well as deaths. Thus, they have necessitated the immediate construction of much housing. Many users neither adopted this housing, ... -
Eğik Düzleme Gelen Işınım Hesapları için R Dönüşüm Faktörlerinin Bulunması
(Türk Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Derneği, 1981-08)Güneşli su ısıtıcılarının ön projelendirilmesinde eğik toplayıcı düzlemine gelen ışınım hesapları için R dönüşüm faktörleri önemli rol oynar. Bu tebliğde R faktörleri, enleme, toplayıcı eğim açısına ve mevsimlere göre ... -
Emptiness and Nothingness in OMA’s Libraries
(Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2019)This paper aims to analyse the semantical paralells between the philosophical meaning of the terms nothingness and emptiness as they were used by the presocratic philosophers Parmenides and Democritos and the meaning of ... -
An English Architect in the 19th Century Istanbul: William James Smith and Taşkışla
(İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 2015)An English architect William James Smith had worked in Istanbul from 1842 to 1856, a most politically influential period for the British Empire. Smith, after his appointment to the prestigious project for the new Istanbul ... -
An Enhanced Indirect Video-Based Measurement Procedure for Dynamic Structural System Identification Applications
(Elsevier, 2021)A video-based indirect sensing procedure for dynamic identification purposes is presented. To overcome major limitations of video-based methods in real on-site measurements, a novel three step pre-modification, magnification, ... -
Evaluating Repairs and Interventions of the Fethiye Camii through the Perspective of Contemporary Conservation Ethics and Principles
(Koç Üniversitesi AKMED, 2019)Fethiye Camii is located in Istanbul in the Fatih district amidst the historic neighborhood of Çarşamba. The current structure is comprised of the churches of the Monastery of Pammakaristos in the XIV. Regio built ...