Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Muslim Modernities: Interdisciplinary Insights Across Time and Space
(Wiley Online Library, 2015)
Modernity announced itself in the singular, as a Western European monopoly.
From the beginning, however, scholars disagreed about what modernity
consisted of: science, capitalism, division of labor, rationalization, ...
At the Borders of Public and Private: The Oturmalar of Kayseri
(Middle East Institute, 2015)
This article examines the political implications of the vibrant social life of the city of
Kayseri in Turkey. By using qualitative data collected by participant observations
and in-depth interviews, we discuss the ...
Trauma, Historical Symbolism and the Return of the Repressed: The 15 July 2016 Coup Attempt in Turkey
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2017)
One of the most popular Turkish comedy programmes in the 1990s, the
Levent Kırca show, had a sketch that lampooned a general and his soldiers trying to take control of a TV station. When the general tries to
read the ...
A Comparative Study of Floor Accelerations of Different Structural Systems with Lead- Rubber-Bearing (LRB) Isolators
(Canadian Science Publishing, 2020)
Seismic base isolation technique has been successfully used to protect structural as well as
nonstructural components from the damaging effects of earthquakes by reducing floor
accelerations and inter-story drifts for ...
Intersections Between Critical Thinking Skills and Reflective Thinking Skills Toward Problem Solving
(Pamukkale Üniversitesi, 2020)
This study investigates the relationship between the critical thinking skills and the reflective thinking skills toward problem
solving and the effects of two variables weekly study hours and social activities on reflective ...
At Issue: The “Muslims in Ethiopia Complex” and Muslim Identity: The Trilogy of Discourse, Policy, and Identity
(University of Florida, 2015)
The “Muslims in Ethiopia complex” envelops three interrelated fundamental dimensions in the relation between Muslims and Ethiopia. The first is viewing it as a discourse among academics in “Ethiopian Studies.” Utilizing ...
Interrelation Between Grid Systems and Star Polygons of Muqarnas Ground Projection Plans
(Springer, 2022)
Many muqarnas ground projection plans contain stars with unequal edge lengths in their compositions. In this study,
the geometric reasons behind the unequality of star edge lengths in muqarnas ground projection plans have ...
Türkçe'nin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretiminde Metin Değiştirimi: Mustafa Kutlu’nun “Hayat Güzeldir” Hikâyesi Örneği
(Yakup Yılmaz, 2021)
Edebî metinler dil öğretiminde kültür taşıyıcılığı özellikleriyle kültür aktarımına destek sağlarken
sözcüklerin cümlede bir bağlam içerisinde kullanımına da örnek teşkil etmektedir. Öğreniciler dilini
öğrendiği, dolayısıyla ...
Mimarlık Alanında Çocuklarla İlgili Yayınların Bibliyometrik Analizi ve Bibliyografik Haritaları
(Atila Gül, 2022)
Bu makalenin amacı mimarlık alanında çocuklarla ilgili yayınların bibliyometrik analizi ve bibliyografik haritalarla incelenmesidir. Çalışma kapsamında 1975-2022 yılları arasındaki yayınlara WoS (Web of Science) veri ...
Rijit Bodrumlu Binaların TBDY 2018’e Göre Tasarımına Yönelik Bir Değerlendirme
2018’de yayınlanan ve 2019’da yürürlüğe giren Türkiye Bina Deprem Yönetmeliği (TBDY) rijit bodrumlu binaların tasarımında iki aşamalı yüklemeye dayanan bir yöntemi zorunlu kılmaktadır. Birinci aşama yüklemesinde rijit ...