Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Akıllı Nesneler İçin Fiziksel Saldırı Tespiti
(IEEE, 2018)
Nesnelerin İnterneti akıllı Dünya vizyonuyla hayatın her alanında yeni ürün ve hizmetleriyle girmektedir. Geleneksel diğer bilinen cihazların aksine akıllı nesneler evde, işte veya sokakta hayatın içerisinde karşımıza ...
Kullanıcı Giriş Sistemlerinde Yapay Sinir Ağları Kullanılarak Şifre Güvenlik Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016)
Gelişen teknolojiyle birlikte sanal dünya bizlere gerekli olan
tüm hizmeti sunabilmek adına her geçen gün bir adım daha
ileri gitmektedir. Bize sunulan hizmetlerle doğru orantılı
olarak sosyal medyadaki varlığımız da ...
Malware Detection in Android Systems with Traditional Machine Learning Models: A Survey
(IEEE, 2020)
Due to the increased number of mobile devices,
they are integrated in every dimension of our daily life. To
execute some sophisticated programs, a capable operating must
be set up on them. Undoubtedly, Android is the ...
Neural Network Based Android Malware Detection with Different IP Coding Methods
(IEEE, 2021)
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic that has affected the
whole world, internet use has increased more than in previous
years. Almost all operations and transactions are done over the
internet, especially with the use of ...
Enhancing Nearest Centroid with Coverage Principle for Classification Problem
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
Motivated by the network coverage of the
trans- mitter, this research proposes a novel coverage-based
method to improve the Nearest Centroid’s class prediction by
replacing the centroid with radius coverage as the ...
Detecting Code Smell with a Deep Learning System
(IEEE, 2023)
Code smell detection is one of the most significant
issues in the software industry. Metric-based static code analysis
tools are used to detect undesirable coding practices known as
code smells and guide refactoring ...