Effect of HIP Process and Subsequent Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Direct Metal Laser Sintered AlSi10Mg Alloy

Göster/ Aç
Ertuğrul, OnurÖter, Zafer Çağatay
Yılmaz, Mustafa Safa
Şahin, Ezgi
Coşkun, Mert
Tarakçı, Gürkan
Koç, Ebubekir
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
ERTUĞRUL, Onur, Zafer Çağatay ÖTER, Mustafa Safa YILMAZ, Ezgi ŞAHİN, Mert COŞKUN, Gürkan TARAKÇI & Ebubekir KOÇ. "Effect of HIP Process and Subsequent Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Direct Metal Laser Sintered AlSi10Mg Alloy". Rapid Prototyping Journal, 26.8 (2020): 1421-1434.Özet
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effect of post process combinations, e.g. hot isostatic pressing (HIP) only, HIP 1 T6 heat
treatments, and T6 only, with different aging time, on surface properties, microstructure and mechanical properties of stress-relieved AlSi10Mg parts
produced by direct laser metal sintering.
Design/methodology/approach – HIP process and HIP 1 T6 heat treatments were applied to as stress-relieved direct laser metal sintered (DMLS)
AlSi10Mg parts. Aging times of 4 and 12 h are selected to examine the optimum duration. To analyze the advantages of HIP process, a T6 heat
treatment with 4 h of aging was also applied. Densities, open porosities and roughness values of as stress-relieved, HIPed, HIP 1 T6, and T6-only
samples were measured. The samples were characterized by OM and SEM together with EDX analysis. An image analysis study was made to
evaluate the inner pore structure, thereby to understand the mechanical behavior.
Findings – HIP process does not cause a significant change in surface porosity; yet it has a positive influence on inner porosity. HIP process results in
a microstructure of the aluminum matrix surrounded by a network of micron and nano size Si particles. Additional heat treatment results in larger
particles and precipitation. After HIPing, ductility increases but strength decreases. Samples aged 4 h present improved yield and tensile strength but
decreased elongation, yet samples aged for 12 h reach a combination of optimum strength and ductility. The lower level of tensile strength and
ductility in T6-only condition indicates that HIP process plays a crucial role in elimination of the porosity thus improves the effectiveness of
subsequent heat treatment.
Originality/value – The study investigates the effect of post-process conditions and optimizes the aging time of the T6 heat treatment after HIP
process in order to obtain improved mechanical properties. The stress-relieved state was chosen as the reference to prevent distortion during HIPing
or heat treatment.