Support Optimization for Overhanging Parts in Direct Metal Laser Sintering

Göster/ Aç
Öter, Zafer ÇağatayÇoşkun, Mert
Akça, Yaşar
Sürmen, Ömer
Yılmaz, Mustafa Safa
Özer, Gökhan
Tarakçı, Gürkan
Khan, Hamaid Mahmood
Koç, Ebubekir
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
ÖTER, Zafer Çağatay, Mert ÇOŞKUN, Yaşar AKÇA, Ömer SÜRMEN, Mustafa Safa YILMAZ, Gökhan ÖZER, Gürkan TARAKÇI, Hamaid Mahmood KHAN & Ebubekir KOÇ. "Support Optimization for Overhanging Parts in Direct Metal Laser Sintering". Optics, 181 (2019): 575-581.Özet
The present work focuses mainly on the utilization of different support profiles for overhang
structures in EOS M290 Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) machine. Maraging steel (MS1)
parts with large overhangs were produced using various support parameters to reveal the effects
of support profile on dimensional stability of overhang structures and surface quality of the
downward facing surfaces. Overhangs supported by weak support profiles require less post
processing due to easy support removal and low surface roughness values at the cost of dimensional stability. On the other hand, parts with stronger support profiles are less prone to thermal
warping and provided better dimensional stability at the cost of surface quality. The hardness
shows no remarkable variation along the overhang surface in the same structure as well as between different parts. The study reveals that the designer should choose different support assemblies depending upon the overhang surface size and location.