The First Indictable Stage of Crime in Turkish Criminal Law
ÇETİNKAYA, M. Buhari. "The First Indictable Stage of Crime in Turkish Criminal Law". Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi, 3.1 (2015): 265-274.Özet
It is very hard to generate a set of criteria to separate preparatory
from executive acts. This fact can be considered as a necessity. At the
same time this also reflects the vulnerability of the legality principle. The
distinction between preparatory acts and the executive acts is one of the
most controversial issues in modern criminal law. In Turkish Penal Code,
the sole criterion regarding the beginning of executive acts is reflected in
Art. 35 which states”A person who (directly) acts”. This in fact is not a clear
formulation and unable to answer the question of when exactly the
executive acts start. Therefore, the Turkish courts, especially the Supreme
Court (Yargıtay), are inspiring from the Turkish doctrine which takes
advantages of various theories below, adopts and updates new measures
and criteria to separate preparatory acts from executive ones.