Browsing Mühendislik Fakültesi / Faculty of Engineering by Author "Ağaccıoğlu, Hayrullah"
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Statistical Analysis of Wastewater Constituents for A Touristic City: Case Study of Antalya, Turkey
Kesgin, Erdal; Ağaccıoğlu, Hayrullah; Gezici, Kadir; Tan, Remziye İlayda; Arslankaya, Ertan (Institutul Politehnic din Iasi, 2022)Nowadays, environmental degradation is increasing as a result of rising population, urbanization, and consumption. Within the scope of the study, four wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located in Antalya, which is on ... -
Statistical Assessment of Interbasin Water Transfer for Karst Areas (Turkey)
Şanlı, Ahmet Sancak; Ağaccıoğlu, Hayrullah; İlke, Sinan; Keskin, Erdal; Demir, İbrahim; Tan, R. İlayda (Saudi Society for Geosciences, 2021)The intensification of drought and unsustainable management of water resources has caused increasing demand for water resources. Interbasin water transfer has been implemented as an alternative solution method to this ...