İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü
Recent Submissions
Comprehensive Risk Assessment Approach for Storage Tank Facilities Against Hazards Including Fire, Explosion, and Earthquake
(Wiley, 2025)Storage tank facilities hold significant importance for the industries, economies, and environments of countries. In the past, these facilities have suffered extensive damage due to one or more accidents or natural ... -
Elastic Triangular Plate Dynamics on Unilateral Winkler Foundation: Analysis Using Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion for Forced Vibrations
(Springer, 2025)This research delves into the intricate dynamic and static characteristics of an elastic triangular plate supported by a unilateral Winkler foundation, with a specific focus on forced vibrations. The study considers the ... -
Trend Stability Assessment for Hydrological Drought in Euphrates Basin (Türkiye) Using TripleWilcoxon Test and Innovative Trend Analysis Methods
(MDPI, 2024)This study investigates the stability of hydrological drought trends in the Euphrates Basin from 1960 to 2020 using three-dimensional (3D) graphical representations based on innovative trend analysis (ITA) and triple ... -
An Investigation on Seismic Behaviours of Vertical and Horizontal Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks
(Springer, 2024)Storage tanks are structures widely used in industrial facilities for storing products such as oil, petroleum, and chemical liquids. Ensuring the protection of flammable and hazardous materials in these tanks during events ... -
Forced Vibrations of an Elastic Triangular Plate Supported Around its Perimeter by a Unilateral Support Via the Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion
(Taylor & Francis, 2024)The present study introduces static and dynamic analysis of an elastic triangular plate on unilateral edge supports, including forced vibrations due to loading and unloading excitation. The plate is assumed to be subjected ... -
Gürültülü Dünya Bizi Hasta Ediyor!
(Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Medya Haber Basın A.Ş., 2024)Gürültü; "Harmonik olmayan titreşimlerin bir araya gelmesine bağlı bir akustik olay" olup, genellikle istenmeyen rahatsız edici seslerden oluşur. Bazı araştırmacılar gürültüyü günlük terör olarak nitelerler. Gürültü, duyma ... -
Forced Vibrations of an Elastic Rectangular Plate Supported By a Unilateral Two Parameter Foundation Via The Chebyshev Polynomials Expansion
(Techno Press, 2024)The present study deals with static and dynamic behaviors including forced vibrations of an elastic rectangular nano plate on the two-parameter foundation. Firstly, the rectangular plate is assumed to be subjected to ... -
Design and Nonlinear Dynamic Response of a Steel Stack
(Springer, 2024)Industrial stacks are built in order to reduce atmospheric pollution and release gases to the higher level of the atmosphere. Since they are high and slender structures, they are significantly affected by lateral forces, ... -
Yerküre Kaynaklarını Güvenli ve Adaletli Kullanmak
(Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Medya Haber Basın A.Ş., 2024)12 bin yıllık göreceli kararlı ve ılıman olan Holosen Jeolojik Çağından uzaklaşmaktayız. İnsanoğlunun yerküre sistemini (atmosfer, hidrosfer, geosfer, biyosfer, kriyosfer) etkilemesiyle ilişkili olan Antroposen Jeolojik ... -
Corrigendum to “Seismic vulnerability assessment of spherical and horizontal-cylindrical storage tanks through finite element analyses and observational data” [Int. J. Pres. Ves. Pip. 209, June 2024, 105214]
(Elsevier, 2024)The authors regret to inform that there is a correction in the postal code of first author affiliation: The postal code is given as 34220. The correct postal code should be noted as 34445. The authors would like to apologise ... -
Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Spherical and Horizontal-Cylindrical Storage Tanks Through Finite Element Analyses and Observational Data
(Elsevier, 2024)Storage tanks are structures widely employed in various chemical and petroleum industries for the storage of liquids and gases. These structures, which store flammable and explosive substances, can lead to events such ... -
Multi-objective Optimization Framework for Trade-Off Among Pedestrian Delays and Vehicular Emissions at Signal-Controlled Intersections
(Springer, 2024)Traffic congestion has several adverse effects on urban traffic networks. Increased travel times of vehicles, with the addition of excessive greenhouse emissions, can be listed as harmful effects. To address these issues, ... -
A Bi-Objective Traffic Signal Optimization Model for Mixed Traffic Concerning Pedestrian Delays
(Elsevier, 2024)Urban traffic networks suffer in numerous ways from traffic congestion. Some of these adverse effects are increased travel times of cars, buses, bicycle users, pedestrians etc., with the addition of excessive greenhouse ... -
Investigation of Industrial Structure Performances in The Hatay and Gaziantep Provinces During the Türkiye Eearthquakes on February 6, 2023
(Elsevier, 2024)The seismic events of magnitudes 7.7 and 7.6 that occurred in the Pazarcik and Elbistan districts of Kahramanmaras, respectively, resulted in a disastrous aftermath characterized by a substantial loss of life, injuries affecting ... -
Şehirlerimiz ve Şehir Yaşamı
(Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Medya Haber Basın A.Ş., 2024)Ülkemiz büyüyor, şehirlerimiz büyüyor. Cumhuriyetimizin ilk yılında, 1923’te, nüfusumuz 13.6 milyon idi ve bu nüfusun 1/3’ünden azı şehirlerde yaşıyordu. Oranlar bugün (2024) altüst olmuştur. Nüfusumuz 85 milyonu geçti ve ... -
Investigating the Structural Damage in Hatay Province After Kahramanmaraş-Türkiye Earthquake Sequences
(Elsevier, 2024)On February 6, 2023, two heavy earthquakes with moment magnitudes (MW) of 7.7 and 7.6 hit the Kahramanmaras¸ region in southeast Türkiye. Aftershocks of moment magnitude of 6 occurred consequently. These earthquakes ... -
Rakamlarla Hava Kirliliği ve Sağlık
(Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Medya Haber Basın A.Ş., 2023)Malzeme ve enerjiyi kullanarak biz insanlar uygarlıklarımızı inşa ettik ve süreç boyunca başta toz ve dumanlar olmak üzere çevreye kirleticileri saldık. Yanardağ püskürmeleri, yangınlar ve çöl tozları gibi doğa hadiseleri ... -
Elektrikli Arabalar İçin Süper Bataryalar
(Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Medya Haber Basın A.Ş., 2023)İş dünyasında elektrikli araçlar (EV) için belirlenen üç hedeften ilki, içten yanmalı motora sahip çevre obur geleneksel araçlardan daha ucuz olmaktır. Bunu, uzun sürüş mesafesi ve hızlı dolum (şarj) sağlayan batarya ... -
GPS‑Based Incident Detection Algorithm for Two‑Lane Bus Rapid Transit Systems: Case Study of Istanbul Metrobus
(Springer, 2023)Bus rapid transit (BRT) systems have been gaining popularity in both developed and developing countries, having system deployments on varying scales. Especially in developing economies, BRT systems provide an easy solution ... -
İhtiyar Dünyamızı Korumak ve Kaynakları Doğru Kullanmak
(Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Medya Haber Basın A.Ş., 2023)İnsanoğlu, dünyamız kaynaklarını doğa kanunları doğrultusunda bilimin ve ahlakın ışığında kullanmıyor, maalesef cansız ve canlı yaşama çok müdahale ediliyor. Yeraltı ve yerüstü kaynaklarının yanlış ve aşırı tüketimi ...