Browsing İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü by Title
Now showing items 39-58 of 121
Flow Velocity Effect on Clear Water Bridge Pier Scour
(Avestia Publishing, 2016)For a long while, scour mechanism has been a major problem to be solved by many researchers. Local scour phenomenon at bridge piers has many parameters such as flow characteristics, sediment type, bridge pier shape and ... -
Forced Vibrations of an Elastic Circular Plate Supported by Unilateral Edge Lateral Springs
(Techno-Press, 2022)The present study deals with forced vibrations of an elastic circular plate supported along its circular edge by unilateral elastic springs. The plate is assumed to be subjected to a uniformly distributed and a concentrated ... -
Forced Vibrations of an Elastic Rectangular Plate Supported By a Unilateral Two Parameter Foundation Via The Chebyshev Polynomials Expansion
(Techno Press, 2024)The present study deals with static and dynamic behaviors including forced vibrations of an elastic rectangular nano plate on the two-parameter foundation. Firstly, the rectangular plate is assumed to be subjected to ... -
Forced Vibrations of an Elastic Rectangular Plate Supported by Unilateral Edge Lateral Springs
(Springer, 2023)The present study deals with static and dynamic behavior, including forced vibrations, of an elastic rectangular plate supported along its edges by unilateral elastic springs. The plate is assumed to be subjected to a ... -
Forced Vibrations of an Elastic Triangular Plate Supported Around its Perimeter by a Unilateral Support Via the Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion
(Taylor & Francis, 2024)The present study introduces static and dynamic analysis of an elastic triangular plate on unilateral edge supports, including forced vibrations due to loading and unloading excitation. The plate is assumed to be subjected ... -
Fragility Analysis of Atmospheric Storage Tanks by Observational and Analytical Data
(Springer, 2021)In this research, seismic fragility analysis of storage tanks is carried out with a large damage database from past earthquakes and analytical studies. At the fragility analysis, a new damage state has been defined. Peak ... -
Fuat Sezgin'i Anma ve Müslümanların Bilime Katkılarını Anlama
(Şehir ve Kültür Dergisi, 2019)Bilindiği gibi 2019 Yılı Cumhurbaşkanlığı tarafından Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Yılı olarak ilan edildi. Bu yılın ilk 6 ayında sempozyum, panel, sergi ve konferans şeklinde çok sayıda etkinlik gerçekleştirildi. Bu etkinliklerden ... -
Geri dönüşümün artan önemi
(Dünya Gazetesi, 2016-01)Geri dönüşüm, hurda vasfı kazanmış yarı ürün ve ürünlerin doğaya atılmayıp çevrime (ve kullanıma) alınmasını tarif eden genel ifadedir. Yeniden değerlendirme (recycling) ve geri kazanma (recovery) sözcükleri de aynı anlam ... -
GPS‑Based Incident Detection Algorithm for Two‑Lane Bus Rapid Transit Systems: Case Study of Istanbul Metrobus
(Springer, 2023)Bus rapid transit (BRT) systems have been gaining popularity in both developed and developing countries, having system deployments on varying scales. Especially in developing economies, BRT systems provide an easy solution ... -
Gürültülü Dünya Bizi Hasta Ediyor!
(Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Medya Haber Basın A.Ş., 2024)Gürültü; "Harmonik olmayan titreşimlerin bir araya gelmesine bağlı bir akustik olay" olup, genellikle istenmeyen rahatsız edici seslerden oluşur. Bazı araştırmacılar gürültüyü günlük terör olarak nitelerler. Gürültü, duyma ... -
Hibrit Dinamik Benzeri Simülasyon ve Test İçi Model Güncellemesi
(FSM Vakıf Üniversitesi, 2017)Yapıların deprem davranışlarının belirlenmesinde kullanılan laboratuvar testleri; quasi statik, dinamik benzeri ve sarsma tablası testleri olarak gruplandırılabilir. Dinamik benzeri yöntemlerine ait araştırmalar; hibrit, ... -
Hurda Araçlar ve Enerji Tasarrufu
(Dünya Gazetesi, 2012)Trafik güvenliğinin çok önemli sorun olduğu büyük kentlerimizde problem giderek kronikleşmektedir. Şehirlerimizde yol hacmi sabit kalırken (veya çok az artarken) araç sayısı yıllar içinde katlanmakta ve ulaşım baş edilmez ... -
Inelastic Displacement Ratios for Evaluation of Degrading Peak - Oriented SDOF Systems
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2018)Estimation of the inelastic displacement demand (IDD) is an important part of the performance-based design. Coefficient method is one of the methods for the estimation of IDD and in this method, IDD is determined by ... -
Influence of Pulse-Like Near-Fault Ground Motions on the Base-Isolated Buildings with LRB Devices
(American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2021)Seismic base isolation is a passive structural control system that has been effectively utilized as an innovative seismic-resistant design method in the past decades. The properties of earthquake ground motions have ... -
An Introduction to Trenchless Technology Piping (+Türkçe Özet)
(GülMat. Publishing, 2021)The first reason for the preparation of this book is to share recent developments experienced in underground infrastructure technology with readers. It is the fact that innovative methods are becoming main route in ... -
Investigating the Structural Damage in Hatay Province After Kahramanmaraş-Türkiye Earthquake Sequences
(Elsevier, 2024)On February 6, 2023, two heavy earthquakes with moment magnitudes (MW) of 7.7 and 7.6 hit the Kahramanmaras¸ region in southeast Türkiye. Aftershocks of moment magnitude of 6 occurred consequently. These earthquakes ... -
Investigation of Industrial Structure Performances in The Hatay and Gaziantep Provinces During the Türkiye Eearthquakes on February 6, 2023
(Elsevier, 2024)The seismic events of magnitudes 7.7 and 7.6 that occurred in the Pazarcik and Elbistan districts of Kahramanmaras, respectively, resulted in a disastrous aftermath characterized by a substantial loss of life, injuries affecting ... -
An Investigation on Seismic Behaviours of Vertical and Horizontal Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks
(Springer, 2024)Storage tanks are structures widely used in industrial facilities for storing products such as oil, petroleum, and chemical liquids. Ensuring the protection of flammable and hazardous materials in these tanks during events ... -
İhtiyar Dünyamız ve Küresel Isınma
(Dünya Gazetesi, 2017-07)Jeolojistlere göre 1950 yılı itibariyle Dünyamız Antroposen (Antropocene) denen yeni bir döneme girmiştir. 4.6 milyar yaşındaki yerküremizin 12 bin yıllık Holosen (Holocene) dönemi kapanmıştır. Holosen periyodu istikrarlı ...