Browsing İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü by Title
Now showing items 66-85 of 121
Lagrangian Submanifolds with Constant Angle functions of the Nearly Kähler S3 × S3
(Elsevier, 2018)We study Lagrangian submanifolds of the nearly Kähler S3 × S3 with respect to their so called angle functions. We show that if all angle functions are constant, then the submanifold is either totally geodesic or has ... -
Langmuir–Blodgett Film Properties of Based on Calix[4]Resorcinarene and the Detection of Those Against Volatile Organic Compounds
(Springer Heidelberg, 2019)To determine their inherent properties, thin films of calix[4]resorcinarene (C11AMINE) were deposited using the Langmuir– Blodgett (LB) technique onto a suitable substrate. Prior to the LB thin film preparation, this ... -
Lityum Madenciliği, Bataryalar, Elektrikli Araçlar ve TOGG
(B2B Medya / Teknik Sektör Yayıncılığı A.Ş., 2022)Lityum ismi Yunanca’da taş anlamı taşıyan "lithos" isminden gelmektedir. Lityum metali ilk defa 1790’larda İsveçli bilim insanı Arfwedson tarafından, yakılan mineral petalit (LiAlSi4O10) alevinin çözümlenmesiyle keşfedilmiştir. ... -
A Macrocyclic Tetra‑Undecyl Calix[4]Resorcinarene thin Film Receptor for Chemical Vapour Sensor Applications
(Springer, 2020)This work demonstrates the fabrication of chemical vapour sensors using Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) thin films, describing the thin film properties of a tetra-undecyl calix[4]resorcinarene molecule along with a discussion of ... -
Malzeme Ayak İzi ve Beton Yıkıntı Atıkları
(Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Medya Haber Basın A.Ş., 2023)Malzeme ayak izi, mineraller ve fosil yakıtlar dahil her türlü malzeme üretimini, tüketimini, bertaraf edilmesini ve hareketliliğini kapsar. Daniel W. O’Neil ve arkadaşlarının Nature Dergisi’nde yayınladıkları makalede ... -
Mechanical Properties and Melt Quality Relationship of Sr-modified Al-12Si Alloy
(Polska Akademia Nauk, 2015)The formation of oxide film on the surface of aluminium melts, i.e. bifilms, are known to be detrimental when they are incorporated into the cast part. These defects causes premature fractures under stress, or aid porosity ... -
Metal Endüstrisi, Alüminyum ve Gelecek
(Mimart Yayıncılık, 2014)20. yüzyılda ham maddeler ve metallerle ilgili istatistiklerde değerlendirmeler genellikle tonaj esaslı olarak yapılırdı. İçinde bulunduğumuz yüzyılda (21. yy) ise küresel ekonomi nedeniyle değerlendirmelerde fiyatlar ve ... -
A Methodology to Consider Explicitly Emissions in Dynamic User Equilibrium Assignment
(Springer, 2022)This work presents a methodology to obtain Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE) over a road network considering the exhausted gas effect of motorized traffic. On purpose, three emission models are integrated to the traffic ... -
Modeling Agricultural Practice Impacts on Surface Water Quality: Case of Northern Aegean Watershed, Turkey
(Sprınger, 2022)The Northern Aegean Watershed has 9032 km2 surface area and it is one of the twenty-one major watersheds in Turkey. Excessive use of fertilizers in farming activities undertaken in the Northern Aegean Watershed has led ... -
Multi-objective Optimization Framework for Trade-Off Among Pedestrian Delays and Vehicular Emissions at Signal-Controlled Intersections
(Springer, 2024)Traffic congestion has several adverse effects on urban traffic networks. Increased travel times of vehicles, with the addition of excessive greenhouse emissions, can be listed as harmful effects. To address these issues, ... -
Nasıl bir üniversite, hangi sorumluluklar?
(Mimar ve Mühendisler Grubu, 2019)Üniversiteler bilim ekonomisinin motoru ve entelektüel kültürün tarlasıdır, bireye iş ve meslek kazandırma yanında iş dünyası ve çevreye araştırma/ geliştirme/yön verme açısından da önemli odak noktasıdır. Üniversitele ... -
A New Hyperbolic Variation Method for Settlement Analysis of Axially Loaded Single Friction Piles
(Springer, 2020)This study describes a new hyperbolic method based on load transfer method for settlement analysis of axially loaded single friction piles. The new method is obtained by examining 14 pile load tests. The examined test piles ... -
On Geometric Applications of Quaternions
(The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2020)Quaternions have become a popular and powerful tool in various engineering fields, such as robotics, image and signal processing, and computer graphics. However, classical quaternions are mostly used as a representation ... -
On the General Requirements for Design of Earthquake Resistant Buildings in The Turkish Building Seismic Code of 2018
(IOP Publishing, 2020)Turkish Building Seismic Code has been revised after eleven years once more and its application is compulsory since the beginning of 2019. The new code is published together with a new Earthquake Hazard Map and it consists ... -
Online Model Identification and Updating in Multi-Platform Pseudo-Dynamic Simulation of Steel Structures - Experimental Applications
(Taylor & Francis, 2021)A new technique is proposed for online model identification and updating in multi-platform pseudo-dynamic simulation of steel structures which brings novelty through eliminating the need for optimization during the ... -
Öne Çıkan Meslekler ve Yeni Alanlar
(Mimar ve Mühendisler Grubu, 2020)Yeni iş iştigal alanlarının doğması hızlanan inovasyon, toplumsal gelişme, talep ve ihtiyaçlarla ilişkilidir. Hırs ve iştahın sınırlı olduğu girişimler, insanlık yararına önemli işler yapıyorlar ve fayda sağlıyorlar. ... -
Partiküller, Hava Kirliliği ve Sağlık
(B2B Medya, 2021)Ölüm sebebi olma, ölümle korkutma ve ölümü kabul etme teması, sadece COVID-19 virüsü ile ilişkili değildir. İbni Sina 1000 yıl önce insan yaşam süresinin kısalığını, tozların ve dumanların varlığına bağlamıştı. O zaman ... -
Performance Comparison of Thermal-Sprayed Coatings for Ductile Iron Pipe
(NACE International, 2011)Ductile iron (DT) pipe is one of rhe most commonly used pipe materia ls for water tra nsmission se t-vi ce. The corrosion of metallic water m<Jins occurs because of several environmen tal conditions. 1•2 Common causes ... -
Production and Characterisation of Silicon Carbide Particulate Reinforced Aluminium-Copper Alloy Matrix Composites by Direct Squeeze Casting Method
(Elsevier, 2006)In th is study, the effects of volume fraction of SiC on microstructure, hardness and tensile properties as well as density have been investigated in Al-4.5Cu-3Mg matrix al loy and its 5, 10, and 15 vol.% SiC particle ...