Browsing İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü by Title
Now showing items 87-106 of 121
Quasi–Minimal Surfaces of Pseudo–Riemannian Space Forms with Positive Relative Nullity
(Elsevier, 2020)In this paper, we consider surfaces in 4–dimensional pseudo–Riemannian space–forms with index 2. First, we obtain some of geometrical properties of such surfaces considering their relative null space. Then, we get ... -
Rakamlarla Hava Kirliliği ve Sağlık
(Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Medya Haber Basın A.Ş., 2023)Malzeme ve enerjiyi kullanarak biz insanlar uygarlıklarımızı inşa ettik ve süreç boyunca başta toz ve dumanlar olmak üzere çevreye kirleticileri saldık. Yanardağ püskürmeleri, yangınlar ve çöl tozları gibi doğa hadiseleri ... -
Robotlar İşlerimizi ve Ruhumuzu mu Çalacak?
(Dünya Gazetesi, 2018-03)Robotlar, bazen insan formunda bazen ise daha mekanik-elektronik araçlar olarak ekonomik hayatın içindeler. Dijital çağdayız ve robotlar artık kendilerine verilen yetkinlikler sayesinde insanların yapabildiği şeyleri ... -
Sağlık Sektöründe Hatalar ve Tıbbi Cihazlar
(Dünya Gazetesi, 2020)Haftalık TIME Dergisi’nin arka arkaya yayınlanan iki sayısında (25 Kasım ve 2 Aralık 2019), Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO) ve Tıp Enstitüsü’nün 2019 verileri üzerinden tıbbi hatalarla ilgili bir istatistik verildi ve hataların ... -
The Sariçiçek Howardite Fall in Turkey: Source Crater of HED Meteorites on Vesta and İmpact Risk of Vestoids
(University of Arkansas, 2019)The Sariçiçek howardite meteorite shower consisting of 343 documented stones occurred on 2 September 2015 in Turkey and is the first documented howardite fall. Cosmogenic isotopes show that Sariçiçek experienced a complex ... -
Seismic Fragility and Behavior of Spherical Pressure Vessels
(ASME, 2021)Pressurized tanks are vessels that show high impermeability and strength against large internal pressures. These tanks can be used for liquid or gas storage. The internal pressures of the vessels used in gas storage can ... -
Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Spherical and Horizontal-Cylindrical Storage Tanks Through Finite Element Analyses and Observational Data
(Elsevier, 2024)Storage tanks are structures widely employed in various chemical and petroleum industries for the storage of liquids and gases. These structures, which store flammable and explosive substances, can lead to events such ... -
Sensitivity Analysis for a Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Car Following Model: Preliminary Findings
(Springer, 2022)Microscopic traffic simulations are powerful tools to evaluate transportation systems. For a simulation model to represent reality at a satisfactory level, models require calibration. Calibration implies that inputs to ... -
Short‑term Climate Change Infuence on Surface Water Quality Impacts From Agricultural Activities
(Springer, 2023)Climate change is a global phenomenon that directly afects agriculture by altering crop yield, nutritional quality, pests, and plant diseases. The North Aegean Basin located in Turkey has considerable agricultural importance ... -
Solar Irradiation Estimations and Comparisons by ANFIS, Angström–Prescott and Dependency Models
(Elsevier, 2014)Solar irradiation calculations depend on atmospheric variations and sunshine duration record interval. Generally, it is calculated by using the classical Angstro¨m–Prescott equation, which provides a linear relationship ... -
Spatial-Temporal Response of Sediment Loads to Climate Change and Soil Conservation Practices in the Northern Aegean Watershed, Türkiye
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023)Climate change and agricultural activities are significant sources of stress to the natural environment and water resources. These also affect erosion and the associated estimation of sediment yields, which is also a ... -
Statistical Analysis of Wastewater Constituents for A Touristic City: Case Study of Antalya, Turkey
(Institutul Politehnic din Iasi, 2022)Nowadays, environmental degradation is increasing as a result of rising population, urbanization, and consumption. Within the scope of the study, four wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located in Antalya, which is on ... -
Statistical Assessment of Interbasin Water Transfer for Karst Areas (Turkey)
(Saudi Society for Geosciences, 2021)The intensification of drought and unsustainable management of water resources has caused increasing demand for water resources. Interbasin water transfer has been implemented as an alternative solution method to this ... -
Structural Characterization of Boride Layer on Boronized Ductile Irons
(Elsevier, 2004)In this work, some surface properties of ductile irons were improved by a them1o-chemical boronizing process. Boronizing wasperfom1ed in a slurry salt bath consisting of borax, boric acid and ferro-silicon at 850 and 950 ... -
A Study on Earthquake Performances of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Various Number of Stories
(Golden Light Publishing, 2021)Seismic codes generally require that the Equivalent Seismic Load Method or the Modal Response Spectrum Method is adopted in the design of buildings. In the equivalent seismic load method, the equivalent seismic static ... -
Su, Her Yerde Su…
(Dünya Gazetesi, 2011)Su çok önemli küresel bir üründür. Yer kabuğunun %70'i su ile kaplıdır. Bu su kütlesinin %97,5'i tuzlu, %2,5'i ise tatlı sudur. Tatlı suyun 2/3'ünü buzullar ve yer altı suları oluşturur. İnsanlar dünyadaki suların ancak ... -
Suppression of The Torsional Irregularity of High-rise Buildings Using Viscous Wall Dampers
(Springer, 2022)The energy dissipation devices, with their capabilities of seismic demand reduction, are effective and widely used innovative structural solutions for the seismic protection of buildings. Viscous Wall Dampers (VWD) are ... -
Şehirlerimiz ve Şehir Yaşamı
(Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Medya Haber Basın A.Ş., 2024)Ülkemiz büyüyor, şehirlerimiz büyüyor. Cumhuriyetimizin ilk yılında, 1923’te, nüfusumuz 13.6 milyon idi ve bu nüfusun 1/3’ünden azı şehirlerde yaşıyordu. Oranlar bugün (2024) altüst olmuştur. Nüfusumuz 85 milyonu geçti ve ... -
Tahıllar ve Tahıl Koridoru Anlaşması
(Nasıl Bir Ekonomi Medya Haber Basın A.Ş., 2023)Savaşan iki devlet, Rusya ve Ukrayna, Türkiye’nin girişimi ve BM’nin desteği ile geçen yıl (2022) Tahıl Koridoru Anlaşması imzalamışlar ve küresel gıda krizini önlemişlerdi. 18 Mart 2023'te sonlanacak olan bu anlaşmanın ... -
Trend Assessment by the Innovative-Şen Method
(Springer, 2016)Hydro-meteorological time series may include trend components mostly due to climate change since about three to four decades. Trend detection and identification in a better and refined manner are among the major current ...