Browsing İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü by Category "Makale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanı"
Now showing items 1-20 of 51
Accelerated Corrosion Behaviors of Zn, Al AND Zn/15Al Coatings on a Steel Surface
(Inst za kovinske materiale in tehnologie, 2011)Zn, Al and Zn/15Al coatings can be produced in optimum conditions by the twin wire arc (TWEA) spraying technique. The coatings are used for corrosion protection in a variety of industrial applications. In this study, the ... -
Basınçlı Tankların Sismik Kırılganlıklarının Gözlemsel ve Sayısal Olarak İncelenmesi
(Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı (AFAD), 2021)Bu çalışmada, küresel tanklar için zaman tanım alanında doğrusal olmayan analizler gerçekleştirilerek elde edilen sonuçlar ile geçmiş depremlerde gözlemlenen hasar verileri birleştirilerek kırılganlık eğrileri oluşturulmuştur. ... -
A Bi-Objective Traffic Signal Optimization Model for Mixed Traffic Concerning Pedestrian Delays
(Elsevier, 2024)Urban traffic networks suffer in numerous ways from traffic congestion. Some of these adverse effects are increased travel times of cars, buses, bicycle users, pedestrians etc., with the addition of excessive greenhouse ... -
Chemical Content of The Didim and Kemer Meteorites
(Wiley, 2019)Until today, a total of 16 meteorites fell in Turkey, two of which are Didim and Kemer meteorites. Didim fell in 2007 in Aydin, and Kemer fell in 2009 in Kemer. Both events are observed falls. Didim is an H3-5 ordinary ... -
Climate Change and Frequency–Intensity–Duration (FID) Curves for Florya Station, Istanbul
(Wiley, 2018)In recent decades, according to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, the impact of climate change on hydro-meteorological events has increased substantially. This point is obvious in many rainfall–runoff ... -
Cobalt–Titanium Multilayer Thin Films: Effect of Thickness of Titanium Spacer Layer on Impedance Properties
(Elsevier, 2015)We investigated the impedance parameterS of cobalt–titanium(Co–Ti) multilayer thin Films deposited on native oxidized Si (100) substrate under ultra-high vacuum (4 10 8 mbar) by magnetron sputtering at room ... -
Comparison of Corrosion Performance of Zn and Zn/Al 85/15 Coatings Produced by TWEA
(Trans Tech Publications, 2011)Zn and Zn/Al 85/15 coatings are produced at optimum conditions by twin wire electric arc (TWEA) spraying technique and are used in various industrial applications to improve corrosion protection. As an alternative for ... -
Comprehensive Risk Assessment Approach for Storage Tank Facilities Against Hazards Including Fire, Explosion, and Earthquake
(Wiley, 2025)Storage tank facilities hold significant importance for the industries, economies, and environments of countries. In the past, these facilities have suffered extensive damage due to one or more accidents or natural ... -
Corrigendum to “Seismic vulnerability assessment of spherical and horizontal-cylindrical storage tanks through finite element analyses and observational data” [Int. J. Pres. Ves. Pip. 209, June 2024, 105214]
(Elsevier, 2024)The authors regret to inform that there is a correction in the postal code of first author affiliation: The postal code is given as 34220. The correct postal code should be noted as 34445. The authors would like to apologise ... -
Design and Nonlinear Dynamic Response of a Steel Stack
(Springer, 2024)Industrial stacks are built in order to reduce atmospheric pollution and release gases to the higher level of the atmosphere. Since they are high and slender structures, they are significantly affected by lateral forces, ... -
Determination of Peaking Factors for Sewerage System in Antalya, Tourism Capital of Turkey
(Wiley Online Library, 2021)The design of wastewater system pipe size is traditionally based on the maximum wastewater flow that is a function of multiple factors. Understanding the appropriate peaking factors (PF) by using daily flow variations ... -
Effect of Lake-water Budget Management Preferences on Optimum Operating Conditions and Neighboring Basins Interacting: Case of Lake Beyehir (Turkey)
(Springer, 2022)In the presented study, considering the case of Lake Beyşehir, Turkey's largest freshwater lake, hydrological factors and the value judgments of people in different social groups benefiting from the lake about water use ... -
Effect of Time Step Interval and Time Integration Schemes in Pseudo-Dynamic Analysis
(Elsevier, 2023)Pseudo Dynamic Analysis technique is an alternative method for exploring structural performance by combining analytical and experimental investigation. Compared to shake table tests, it is a more economical method, and ... -
Elastic Triangular Plate Dynamics on Unilateral Winkler Foundation: Analysis Using Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion for Forced Vibrations
(Springer, 2025)This research delves into the intricate dynamic and static characteristics of an elastic triangular plate supported by a unilateral Winkler foundation, with a specific focus on forced vibrations. The study considers the ... -
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Material Non-Linearity in Steel Elements Under Different Loading Protocols
(Elsevier, 2019)In order to investigate the behaviour of a steel structure and provide effective design, most of the time analyses procedures which can take account the non-linear material behaviour are needed. These non-linear ... -
Forced Vibrations of an Elastic Circular Plate Supported by Unilateral Edge Lateral Springs
(Techno-Press, 2022)The present study deals with forced vibrations of an elastic circular plate supported along its circular edge by unilateral elastic springs. The plate is assumed to be subjected to a uniformly distributed and a concentrated ... -
Forced Vibrations of an Elastic Rectangular Plate Supported By a Unilateral Two Parameter Foundation Via The Chebyshev Polynomials Expansion
(Techno Press, 2024)The present study deals with static and dynamic behaviors including forced vibrations of an elastic rectangular nano plate on the two-parameter foundation. Firstly, the rectangular plate is assumed to be subjected to ... -
Forced Vibrations of an Elastic Rectangular Plate Supported by Unilateral Edge Lateral Springs
(Springer, 2023)The present study deals with static and dynamic behavior, including forced vibrations, of an elastic rectangular plate supported along its edges by unilateral elastic springs. The plate is assumed to be subjected to a ... -
Forced Vibrations of an Elastic Triangular Plate Supported Around its Perimeter by a Unilateral Support Via the Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion
(Taylor & Francis, 2024)The present study introduces static and dynamic analysis of an elastic triangular plate on unilateral edge supports, including forced vibrations due to loading and unloading excitation. The plate is assumed to be subjected ... -
Fragility Analysis of Atmospheric Storage Tanks by Observational and Analytical Data
(Springer, 2021)In this research, seismic fragility analysis of storage tanks is carried out with a large damage database from past earthquakes and analytical studies. At the fragility analysis, a new damage state has been defined. Peak ...