A Research on the Characteristics of the Inspiring Teacher
TURHAN, Nihan Sölpük, Belgin PARLAKYILDIZ, Nihan ARSLAN, Gökçen GÖÇEN, & Tuğba Yılmaz BİNGÖL. "A Research on the Characteristics of the Inspiring Teacher". International Journal of Educational Methodology, 5.1 (2019): 1-18.Özet
In this study, it was aimed to find out the characteristics of inspiring teachers who inspired teacher candidates to do teaching profession properly. In the study, “An Exploratory Sequential Design” a mixed method where qualitative and quantitative approaches are used concomitantly, was employed to determine the inspiring teacher characteristics. In this design, the researcher respectively followed two steps. In the first step grounded theory research design as a qualitative research design was used and in the second step survey research model as a quantitative research design was used. Inspiring Teacher Scale (ITS) was developed by the researchers to collect the data. In the second phase, the study group was extended to continue the quantitative studies. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used first to analyze the data. The results of analysis have demonstrated that the items loaded on four factors, which reflect inspiring teacher characteristics as “teacher communication”, “personal characteristics”, “professional development” and “supporting students in different ways”. Findings suggest that ITS, which has four-factor structures with 36 items, can be suggested as a valid and reliable instrument to determine the characteristics of inspiring teacher. Therefore, in this study the characteristics inspiring teachers were specified according to opinions of teacher candidates and presented to be o model for teacher candidates.
International Journal of Educational Methodology (IJEM)Cilt