Effects of Forearm Muscle Fatigue on Classification Performance in sEMG-Based Hand Gesture Recognition
YOL, Şeyma, Müberra AYDIN, Şayeste SÖYÜNMEZOĞLU, Ulvi BAŞPINAR & Cengiz ŞAFAK. "Effects of Forearm Muscle Fatigue on Classification Performance in sEMG-Based Hand Gesture Recognition". 2024 Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO), (2024): 1-4.Özet
Hand gestures can be identified by using surface
electromyography (sEMG) of the upper limb, which measures the
electrical activity of skeletal muscles. Hand gesture recognition has
recently become most commonly used methods in many
applications, such as brain computer interfaces, orthosis and
prosthesis control etc. However, there are many factors affecting
this recognition in the experimental staps and muscle fatigue is one
of these factors. In this study, the effect of forearm muscle fatigue
on the performance of hand gesture recognition is investigated
using sEMG signals. Four healthy subjects perform six hand
motions (fist, hold cup, pointing, pinch, open hand, and rest
position). Signals were collected under two conditions: with and
without muscle fatigue, and the classification performance of each
condition was compared. The four statistical features, including
mean frequency, wavelength, mean absolute value, and Willison
amplitude are extracted from the sEMG signals. Three
classification algorithms have been used, which are the Random
Forest, the Support Vector Machine, and the Artificial Neural
Network. The results show that in sEMG-based classification
applications, data collection steps should be performed by
considering the fatigue levels of the muscles.