Browsing FSM Vakıf Üniversitesi Yayınları / Publications of FSM Vakif University by Publisher "Kitabevi"
Now showing items 1-20 of 97
Abdurrahman Nureddin Paşa
(Kitabevi, 2002-04)In this work, life, character, personality an services of Abdurrahman Nureddin Pasha who was in service in the last period of Ottoman Empire, have been examined. Abdurrahman Nureddin Pasha's contrubutions to Ottoman cultural ... -
Abdülhak Hamid ve Yahya Kemal'e Dair İki Mektup
(Kitabevi, 2003-09)In this paper two letters about Abdülhak Hamid and Yahya Kemal are studied. One of the letters was written to Rıza Tevfik by Hüseyin Siret and the one was sent to Hüseyin Siret by Rıza Tevfik. Hüseyin Siret one of the most ... -
Ahmed-i Dai'nin Cevahirü'l-Maani Adlı Eserinin Yeni Bir Yazması Üzerine
(Kitabevi, 2001-09)The aim of this study is to introduce and indicate the language characteristics of Ahmed-i Dai's Cevahirü'l-Maani unknown manuscript, and also to try to po int out the importance of its language. -
Anadolu Sahasında Yazılmış Bir Sure Tefsiri
(Kitabevi, 2003-09)In The Old Anatolian Turkish period many sura from koran has been translated to Turkish. Those Turkish translations are very important for Anatolian Turkish. The translation of Fatiha is the most important of those translations. -
Asaf Halet Çelebi'nin Nurusiyah Şiirine Bir Bakış
(Kitabevi, 2001-09)In this article, we analyzed the poem "Nûrusiyâh" written by Asaf Halet Çelebi, one of the contemporary Turkish poets. While analyzing this article, we aimed to find out the real meanings, attributed by the poet, to the ... -
Aşık Paşa'da Ticaret Fikri
(Kitabevi, 2003-09)Aşık Paşa took trade as a theme in Garibname, written in the 14th century. After counting the conditions of Akhi institution as an artisan organisation of the day he mentioned mining then he considered mony. According to ... -
Aykırılaşma Terimi, Tanımı ve Örneklerinin Tasnifi Üzerine
(Kitabevi, 2002-09)Turkish examples of dissimilation were pointed out in this article. Known examples are analysed by using the consepts and explanations that are used about dissimilation. -
Biyografik Bilgi ve Şiir Eleştirisi Açısından "Baharistan"
(Kitabevi, 2002-09)Baharistan, which the orginal name is Ravzatu'l-Ahyâr ve Tuhfetü'l-Ebrâr, consists of an introduction, eight parts, and a conclusion. In these eight parts the main subjects are the views, ideas and writings of famous ... -
Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Şiirinde Hz. Âdem ve İlk Günah
(Kitabevi, 2002-09)The stories about the prophets in holy books are the most important resources of literature. The most famous of those stories is that of Prophet Adam. The most attractive side of the story is the original sin committed by ... -
Çağdaş Kazakça'da -KAy ve -KAy edi Formlarına Dair
(Kitabevi, 2002-09)The forms -KAy and -KAy edi have existed m some historic Turkic dialects since the Old Uigur period. The same forms have been seen in some modern Turkic dialects. While The form -KAy ın modern Kazak language is used seldomly ... -
Dede Korkut Oğuznameleri Tezcan ve Boeschoten Yayımı Üzerine Notlar
(Kitabevi, 2001-09)In this paper a new edition of Kitab Dede Qorqud is criticezed and put forword some new readings on the text. -
Divan Tertibine Farklı Bir Yaklaşım : Hüsn-i Hakiki-Hüsn-i Mecazi
(Kitabevi, 2002-09)Poets collected their poems from "Divan" which is the most important milestones of history. of literature. The most important working area which is peculiarity examinations of divan put forward direchonal aspects aesthetic ... -
Düvlek Kelimesi Üzerine Bir Not
(Kitabevi, 2001-09)In this text, it has been determined that the word "düvlek" has been used as a navigation term. Similarly, it has been determined by Semih Tezcan that the word "külek" has ben used in the same way. The relation between the ... -
Edirneli Örfi'nin Leyla ve Mecnun'u
(Kitabevi, 2002-09)The story of "Leyla ve Mecnun" which was written by an Iranian poet Nizami, has also been admired by Turkish poets and embroidered by more than thirty Turkish poets. One of these poets is the 18 th century poet Örfi from ... -
Emine Yılmaz, Nurettin Demir, Talat Tekin Makaleler 1 - Altayistik
(Kitabevi, 2003-09)[No Abstract Available] -
Ermenek'te Emir Musa Bey Medresesi (Tol Medrese) ve Vakfiyesi
(Kitabevi, 2001-09)This work is concerned with the historical and artistic importance of Tol Madrasah that was commissioned by Karamanli Musa Bey in the period of Anatolian Emirates. Using the written documents of its wakf, social and cultural ...