Toplam kayıt 8, listelenen: 1-8
Aramanızla eşleşen bölüm veya koleksiyonlar
Arapça Hazırlık Programı [2]
Arapça Hazırlık Programı'na ait yayınları kapsar.
İngilizce Hazırlık Programı [4]
İngilizce Hazırlık Programı'na iat yayınları içerir.
Aramanızla eşleşen öğeler
Perceptions of Students, Teachers and Graduates About Civil Aviation Cabin Services ESP Program: An Exploratory Study in Turkey
(Springer, 2018)
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a movement based on the proposition
that language teaching should be tailored to the specific learning and language
needs of particular groups of students. In Turkey, the growth of ...
The Adaptation of the Students’ Beliefs About Peer Feedback Scale İnto Turkish: A Validity and Reliability Study
(Siree Publications, 2021)
The purpose of this research is to adapt the Students’ Beliefs about Peer-feedback Scale developed by Huisman (2018) into Turkish and study validity and reliability in the adapted scale. After the linguistic equivalence ...
Using Digital Differentiation to Improve EFL Achievement and Selfregulation of Tertiary Learners: The Turkish Context
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francıs Ltd., 2022)
Purpose: The current study examines the impact of Differentiated
Instruction (DI) on students’ EFL speaking proficiency and Self-
Regulated Learning (SRL) during online learning at a Turkish higher
education institution’s ...
تصوُّرٌ مُقتَرَحٌ لمقرَّرِ مادَّة الكَفَاءةِ اللُّغويّةِ في بَرامجِ إِعدَادِ باحِثِي تَعلِيمِ العَربيّة للنَّاطِقِين بِغَيرِها وخُبَرائِها
(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2021)
تهدِفُ هذه الورقة إلى تقديم تَصوُّر لمقرَّر مادَّة )الكَفَاءة اللُّغويّة( من حيثُ أهداف المادَّة وخُطّتِها التَّدريسيّة وأنشطتِها ومراجعِها المُقترَحة. ويأتي هذا العملُ تلبيةً
لحالة الاهتمام المتزايد بالأُطُر المَرْجِعيّة ...
NATO STANAG 6001 Language Proficiency Framework Review and Analysis
(Ibrahim Şaban, 2020)
This paper presents a review and analysis of the NATO
Language Proficiency Framework, known as STANAG 6001. This
framework was published for the first time in 1976, based on the
Interagency Language Roundtable, known ...
Investigating College Instructors’ and Students’ Perceptions of Learning English in Terms of Learning Theories
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2023)
University students in Turkey are required to complete
a one-year English preparatory education before starting
their education at their faculties. For some time, it has
been clear that students have difficulties in ...