Altyapı Bilgi Sistemleri ve CBS Entegrasyonları
KÜÇÜKPEHLİVAN, Tuncay. "Altyapı Bilgi Sistemleri ve CBS Entegrasyonları ." 2. Uluslararası İstanbul Akıllı Şebekeler Kongre ve Fuarı, (2014): 197-200.Abstract
Geographic Information Systems, has been positioned as a
replacement of old paper maps that are used in planning and
operation with digital maps in Electricity, Water, Gas
Distribution and Telecom Companies, meanwhile it became
heart of the systems also integrating to the other IT systems in
the organizations. In this paper, the position of in-house
Geographic Information Systems, what functional needs that
they serve and how they are integrated with other systems
have been studied with practical examples in Turkey.