The Use of Metamaterial Type Double-Sided Resonator Structures in Humidity and Concentration Sensing Applications
EKMEKÇİ, Evren, Umut KÖSE, Alparslan ÇINAR, Özgür ERTAN & Zeynep EKMEKÇİ. "The Use of Metamaterial Type Double-Sided Resonator Structures in Humidity and Concentration Sensing Applications". Sensors And Actuators A: Physical, 297 (2019).Abstract
In this study, the applications of ordinary double-sided split ring resonator (DSRR), double-sided L-type
resonator (DLTR) and double-sided closed-cross-ring resonator (DCCR) structures in humidity sensing
of chickpea powders and in concentration sensing of methanol-deionized water solutions are studied
both in numerically and experimentally for five different samples in each case in microwave S- and Xbands. For the sensitivity analyses, the transmission spectra (i.e. |S21|) of the sensors are obtained by
using rectangular hollow waveguide setups and the dependence of the resonance frequencies on the
percentage humidity of chickpea powders or volume fraction of methanol in methanol-deionized water
solutions have been recorded. The results show that the DLTR structure is more sensitive than DSRR in
both sensing applications in both frequency bands under magnetic excitation. On the other hand DCCR has
found to be more sensitive than DSRR for the humidity sensing of chickpea powders and DSRR has found
to be more sensitive than DCCR for the concentration sensing of methanol-deionized water application
under electrical with normal incidence. It is believed this study provides significant contributions to the
sensor literature by introducing specially designed double-sided topologies (i.e. DLTR and DCCR) for two
different applications, using special methodologies depending on the application, using two different
excitations and two different frequency bands in the characterization.