Science and Technology from Global and Historical Perspectives
Karagözoğlu, Bahattin. "Science and Technology from Global and Historical Perspectives". (2017): 1-229.Abstract
Scholarly Science (al-ilm) is a term that is used to define all of the enlightening,
guiding, and refreshing knowledge. It has two main branches as the definitive
(explicit) sciences and probabilistic (implicit) sciences. The probabilistic sciences
alone are frequently termed as positivistic sciences and the definitive (absolute)
sciences are partly covered in theology. As such, science often means information
obtained and tested with the scientific methods or general truths or applications of
laws. In this context, science covers all the intellectual and practical work that deal
with methods (experiments, observations, and thoughts) for understanding the
structure and movement of the universe including a systematic examination of the
physical and natural environments. Scientific attitude is to base the behavior of a
person on scientific facts with all the assessments obtained through academic
studies and methods. Technology can be defined as tangible and intangible assets
produced by applying mental and physical efforts to obtain a value or to improve
our abilities to change the world. Developments in science trigger technological
advancements and progresses in technology also provide the infrastructure necessary
for the development of science.