الأستاذ الدكتور نور الدين عتر محقّقًِا <شرح علل الحديث للحافظ ابن رجب الحنبلي>أنموذجًا
ALİSSA, Najmeddin. "الأستاذ الدكتور نور الدين عتر محقّقًِا <شرح علل الحديث للحافظ ابن رجب الحنبلي>أنموذجًا". Mecelletü Külliyyeti’l-Ulumi’l-İslamiyye, 4 (2021): 336-366.Özet
إنَّ علم التحقيق من أهمِّ العلوم التي نقلت التراث الإسامي المخطوط من حيِّز الفائدة ل
الجزئيَّة الخاصَّة إلى حيِّز الفائدة الكلِّيَّة العامَّة، وكان الأستاذُ الدكتور نور الدين عتر رحمه الله رائدًا
في هذا العلم، فقد ملك ناصيةَ البحث في تحقيق التراث العلمي المخطوط من خال الخبرة ل
العلمية والعملية الطويلة التي وظَّفها في خدمة ذلك، وأفنى جزءًا من حياته في تحقيق أمَّهات
العلوم الحديثية المخطوطة وإظهارها بصورة ترضي مؤلِّفها وقارئها، فسِجِلُّه حافل بالتحقيقات
للحافظ ابن رجب الحنبلي رحمه الله وهو كنز » شرح علل الترمذي « المتميِّزة، من ذلك تحقيق
من كنوز السنَّة النبويَّة المشرَّفة، وسترصد الدراسة الجهود العلمية التي بذلها في إخراج هذا السفر
العظيم من حيِّز المخطوط إلى حيِّز المطبوع، وفق أصول التحقيق والتعليق والبحث العلمي. Hiç kuşkusuz tahkik çalışmaları, yazmalar halindeki İslam kültürel mirasını sınırlı bir fayda alanından umumun faydasına taşıyan en önemli ilimlerden biridir. Prof. Dr. Nureddin Itir da -Allah kendisine rahmet eylesin- bu ilmin öncü şahsiyetlerinden biriydi. Onun tahkik ilmine bu denli hâkim olmasının arkasında yatan sebep, bu uğurda sarf ettiği teorik ve pratik tecrübeleridir. Nureddin Itr, hayatının önemli bir kısmını hadis ilimlerinin temel eserlerini gerek eserlerin müelliflerinin gerekse de okuyucuların takdirine şayan olacak biçimde gün yüzüne çıkarmaya adamıştır. Böyle olunca eserleri listesinde tahkikler önemli bir yekûnu oluşturmuştur. Bu eserlerden biri sünnet-i seniyyeye dair en mühim hazinelerden biri olan İbn Receb el-Hanbelî’nin “Şerhu ‘İleli’t-Tirmizî adlı eseridir. Çalışmamız Nureddin Itir’ın bu büyük eserin yazma ortamından basım aşamasına aktarılması noktasındaki çabalarına tahkik ilmi ve bilimsel araştırma kuralları çerçevesinde ışık tutmaya çalışacaktır. The science of investigation is one of the most important sciences that transferred the Islamic manuscript heritage from being a partially private benefit into being a general public benefit and the investigator is the connector between what is handwritten and printed out. Prof. Dr. Nour El-Din Ater - May God have mercy on him - had been the master of the scientific heritage investigation through the long scientific and practical experience that he employed in serving this field. He spent a long time of his life investigating huge tradition manuscripts, he presented them in a state that satisfies its author and reader. Undoubtedly, his record is full of distinguished investigations, for example, the investigation of “Sharh Illal al-Tirmidhi” for Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali - may God have mercy on him. This manuscript is truly considered a treasure of the honorable Sunnah of the Prophet. In this study, we focus on the scholarly efforts he made in bringing this great book out of being a manuscript into the printed state, accordingly with the principles of investigation, commentary, scientific research. The pearls that he included the benefits he added and the corrections he presented are the results of huge efforts he made in his valuable book “Imam al-Tirmidhi and the balance between his Gamia and The Two Sahihs.” So you see it clearly in his investigation on the explanation of “the Illal” that he corrects the errors clarifies what is right and in another place he gathers the sayings of scholars weighing between them when they differ or in another place criticizing them correcting opinions that strayed from the rules of research and investigation.