Yayıncı "MDPI" için listeleme
Toplam kayıt 9, listelenen: 1-9
A Bibliometric Review of The Knowledge Base on Mentoring for The Professional Development of School Administrators
(MDPI, 2023)Mentoring for the professional development of school administrators has become widely acknowledged as an essential means of providing psychosocial and career support, particularly for novice administrators. Due to its ... -
A Bioinspired Test Generation Method Using Discretized and Modified Bat Optimization Algorithm
(MDPI, 2024)The process of software development is incomplete without software testing. Software testing expenses account for almost half of all development expenses. The automation of the testing process is seen to be a technique ... -
Chaotic Sand Cat Swarm Optimization
(MDPI, 2023)In this study, a new hybrid metaheuristic algorithm named Chaotic Sand Cat Swarm Optimization (CSCSO) is proposed for constrained and complex optimization problems. This algorithm combines the features of the recently ... -
The Development and Evolution of Digital Leadership: A Bibliometric Mapping Approach-Based Study
(MDPI, 2022)The inevitable digitalization of workplaces in the present era, generally as a result of technological developments, has caused a paradigm shift, along with new innovative business models and business behaviors, which ... -
Development of Graphene Oxide-Based Anticancer Drug Combination Functionalized with Folic Acid as Nanocarrier for Targeted Delivery of Methotrexate
(MDPI, 2024)Graphene has become a prominent material in cancer research in recent years. Graphene and its derivatives also attract attention as carriers in drug delivery systems. In this study, we designed a graphene oxide (GO)-based ... -
Formation Control of Multiple Autonomous Mobile Robots Using Turkish Natural Language Processing
(MDPI, 2024)People use natural language to express their thoughts and wishes. As robots reside in various human environments, such as homes, offices, and hospitals, the need for human–robot communication is increasing. One of the ... -
An Improved Bees Algorithm for Training Deep Recurrent Networks for Sentiment Classification
(MDPI, 2021)Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are powerful tools for learning information from temporal sequences. Designing an optimum deep RNN is difficult due to configuration and training issues, such as vanishing and exploding ... -
A Novel Solution Approach Based on Dominance Evaluation Measure for Project Scheduling in Multi-Project Environments
(MDPI, 2024)The widely recognized measure for resources called resource strength (RS) does not fully capture the resources complexity of a project. Therefore, it cannot be used as a standalone measure to distinguish the complexity ... -
Trend Stability Assessment for Hydrological Drought in Euphrates Basin (Türkiye) Using TripleWilcoxon Test and Innovative Trend Analysis Methods
(MDPI, 2024)This study investigates the stability of hydrological drought trends in the Euphrates Basin from 1960 to 2020 using three-dimensional (3D) graphical representations based on innovative trend analysis (ITA) and triple ...