Browsing by Author "Gülbahçe, Mehmet Onur"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Analysis of a GaN based PWM AC-AC Converter with an Improved Switch Loss Model
Gülbahçe, Mehmet Onur; Bulut, Enis Barış; Kocabaş, Derya Ahmet (Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, 2021)AC-AC converters have a wide range of use in industrial applications mostly with installed silicon switches. In last decade, GaN’s are served to market with their high efficiency and fast on-off times, hence implementation ... -
Analytical Modelling and Optimization of Gapped Core Magnetics in LLC Converter
Lordoğlu, Abdulsamed; Gülbahçe, Mehmet Onur; Kocabaş, Derya Ahmet; Düşmez, Serkan (IEEE, 2021)LLC converter design remains a challenging task as it is not straight-forward to choose the switching frequency range that can provide ZVS covering application dependent voltage gains, considering the fact that it is a ... -
A Comprehensive Disturbing Effect Analysis of Multi-Sectional Rotor Slot Geometry for Induction Machines in Electrical Vehicles
Lordoğlu, Abdulsamed; Gülbahçe, Mehmet Onur; Kocabaş, Derya Ahmet (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021)Although the performance of an Induction Motor (IM) can be maximized for any speed by use of an inverter, there is still room to contribute by optimizing the rotor slot shape while decreasing the mechanical disturbing ... -
Efficiency and Power Density Optimization of Three-Level TP PFC
Bulut, Enis Barış; Gülbahçe, Mehmet Onur; Kocabaş, Derya Ahmet; Düşmez, Serkan (IEEE, 2021)Si based three-level (3L) totem-pole (TP) Power Factor Correction (PFC) topology is a low cost alternative to two-level TP PFC with wide-band gap devices providing high power density and high efficiency. This study ... -
Estimation of Induction Motor Equivalent Circuit Parameters from Manufacturer’s Datasheet by Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Variable Frequency Drives
Gülbahçe, Mehmet Onur; Karaaslan, Muhammed Emin (Istanbul University, 2022)In recent years, industrial developments have made it necessary to control induction motors, used in both industrial and household applications, over a wide range of speeds. Thanks to vector-control algorithms, in order ... -
Extended Describing Function Modeling and Closed-Loop Control of LLC Converter in Battery Charging Applications
Lordoğlu, Abdülsamet; Gülbahçe, Mehmet Onur; Kocabaş, Derya Ahmet; Düşmez, Serkan (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021)The variable switching frequency control of LLC converters makes the modeling and compensator design rather a difficult task. In this paper, an extended describing function modeling that can represent the beat frequency ... -
Gan Güç Anahtarları İle Gerçeklenen Yarım Köprü Geliştirme Kartının Isıl Başarımının İncelenmesi
Göksu, Ömer Faruk; Gülbahçe, Mehmet Onur; Düşmez, Serkan (Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, 2022)GaN FET anahtarlar ufak paket boyutlarına sahip olması ve yüksek çalışma gerilimakım değerlerini yüksek anahtarlama frekanslarında sağlayabilmesinden dolayı güç elektroniği çeviricilerinde yeni ufuklar açmıştır. Bu çalışma ... -
Modeling of Power Losses in High-Power Motor Drives
Kağıt, Ebrar; Ödemiş, Recep Tayyip; Gülbahçe, Mehmet Onur (İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa, 2023)The efficiency of the system decreases with increasing switching frequency in high-power density industrial driving applications. In order to increase the system efficiency, reliability, and power quality in a high-power ... -
Simplified Method to Analyze Drive Strengths for GaN Power Devices
Bulut, Enis Barış; Gülbahçe, Mehmet Onur; Kocabaş, Derya Ahmet; Düşmez, Serkan (IEEE, 2021)GaN power switches enable ultra-fast switching speeds, yet, the maximum gate drive strength is mainly limited by the voltage overshoot across drain-source junction. There is a complex relationship between the power loop ... -
System-Level Design Approach for LLC Converters
Lordoğlu, Abdulsamed; Gülbahçe, Mehmet Onur; Kocabaş, Derya Ahmet; Düşmez, Serkan (IEEE, 2021)LLC resonant converters are designed with a specified resonant frequency that is usually determined based on the experience of the designers while impacting the losses and the dimension of the converter. In this paper, ... -
Vektör Kontrollü Sürücüler için Asenkron Motor Eşdeğer Devre Parametrelerinin Üretici Veri Föylerinden Kestirilmesi
Gülbahçe, Mehmet Onur; Karaaslan, Muhammed Emin (Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, 2021)Son yıllarda meydana gelen endüstriyel gelişmeler gerek endüstriyel gerekse ev tipi uygulamalarda kullanılan asenkron motorların geniş bir hız aralığında kontrol edilebilmesini zorunlu kılmıştır. Vektör kontrolü algoritmaları ...