Smart Metering in Gas - Revenue Potential or Waste of Money?
WANKELMUTH, André. "Smart Metering in Gas - Revenue Potential or Waste of Money?."2. Uluslararası İstanbul Akıllı Şebekeler Kongre ve Fuarı, (2014): 177-184.Abstract
So you are thinking about implementing a smart grid
infrastructure. You have read all the relevant documentation
and standards and looked at the newest and most innovative
technologies. You have even talked to existing smart grid
users about their experience. But with all of that information
there is still this lingering question – is smart grid the right
path for my utility?
The traditional model to support your decision process is a
cost-benefit analysis. More often than not, these analyses
follow a feature oriented approach. Starting from
technology, the customer implementation environment is
evaluated and a path is suggested to realize certain benefits
offered by a specific feature.
Furthermore smart metering is frequently focused on
efficiency improvements to the key utility operational
processes. This is even truer for the gas industry: some of the
major smart metering drivers for the electricity utilities such
as peak load reduction or load control do not apply to gas.
Especially in the quickly developing countries, operational
efficiency is not a key factor either – low labor costs often outbalance the substantial cost of a smart meter
In this paper Itron introduces its consultancy service for gas
utilities that follows a much broader, problem focused
approach. Instead of starting from features and afterwards
finding problems that can be solved with this technology,
Itron’s consulting services take a technological neutral
standpoint and focus on the core building blocks that make
up a gas utilities’ business model to identify relevant external
and internal risks.
In his article, André Wankelmuth, director of strategic market
development at Itron, provides insight into Itron’s
methodology and puts a special focus on key findings as they
relate to the Turkish market.