Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü
Recent Submissions
L2D2: A Novel LSTM Model for Multi-Class Intrusion Detection Systems in the Era of IoMT
(İEEE, 2025)The rapid growth of IoT has significantly changed modern technology by allowing devices, systems, and services to connect easily across different areas. Due to the growing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, ... -
Advances in Sand Cat Swarm Optimization: A Comprehensive Study
(Springer, 2025)This study provides an in-depth review and analysis of the nature-inspired Sand Cat Swarm Optimization (SCSO) algorithm. The SCSO algorithm effectively focuses on exploring solution areas inspired by sand cat hearing and ... -
Neural Architecture Search for Biomedical Image Classification: A Comparative Study Across Data Modalities
(Elsevier, 2025)Deep neural networks have significantly advanced medical image classification across various modalities and tasks. However, manually designing these networks is often time-consuming and suboptimal. Neural Architecture ... -
Benzetimli Tavlama ile Doğal Afetlerde Kurtarma Birimlerinin Tahsisi ve Çizelgelenmesi
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2024)Günümüzde dünya genelinde ve özellikle ülkemizde sıkça meydana gelen do˘gal afetler, can kaybı ve mal kaybına yol açarak ciddi sorunlara neden olmaktadır. Bu sorunların azaltılabilmesi için kurtarma ekiplerinin etkin ... -
Hyperparameter Optimization in Deep Learning-Based Object Detection of Branching and Endpoints on 2D Brain Vessel Images
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2024)This work presents a deep learning-based object detection technique for identifying branches and endpoints in two-dimensional brain vessel images alongside its hyperparameter optimization. Although traditional image ... -
Advances in Artificial Rabbits Optimization: A Comprehensive Review
(Springer, 2024)This study provides an in-depth review and analysis of the Artificial Rabbit Optimization (ARO) algorithm inspired by the survival strategies of rabbits. The ARO tries to find the global solution in the search space ... -
A Vector Autoregression-Based Algorithm for Dynamic Many-Objective Optimization Problems
(Scitepress, 2024)Dynamic Many-Objective Optimization Problems (DMaOPs) represent a significant challenge due to their inherent dynamism and the presence of a large number of objectives. In addressing this complexity, this paper proposes ... -
Efficiency‑Sustainability Models to Assess Blockchain Adoption Strategies with Uncertainty in the Oil and Gas Sector
(Springer, 2024)The Oil and Gas (O&G) supply chain, vital for energy delivery, faces challenges such as excessive paperwork, limited transparency, and sustainability issues due to conventional governance methods. This study develops a ... -
A Novel Solution Approach Based on Dominance Evaluation Measure for Project Scheduling in Multi-Project Environments
(MDPI, 2024)The widely recognized measure for resources called resource strength (RS) does not fully capture the resources complexity of a project. Therefore, it cannot be used as a standalone measure to distinguish the complexity ... -
Analysis of Code Similarity with Triplet Loss-Based Deep Learning System
(Springer, 2024)Nowadays, several plagiarism detection tools based on static code features are available for code similarity detection. The application of deep learning in this domain represents an emerging area of research. This research ... -
BioNAS: Neural Architecture Search for Multiple Data Modalities in Biomedical Image Classification
(Springer, 2024)Neural Architecture Search (NAS) for biomedical image classification has the potential to design highly efficient and accurate networks automatically for tasks from different modalities. This paper presents BioNAS, a ... -
MedSegBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Medical İmage Segmentation in Diverse Data Modalities
(Nature, 2024)MedSegBench is a comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate deep learning models for medical image segmentation across a wide range of modalities. It covers a wide range of modalities, including 35 datasets with over ... -
Virtual Birefringence Imaging and Histological Staining of Amyloid Deposits in Label-Free Tissue Using Autofluorescence Microscopy and Deep Learning
(Nature, 2024)Systemic amyloidosis involves the deposition of misfolded proteins in organs/ tissues, leading to progressive organ dysfunction and failure. Congo red is the gold-standard chemical stain for visualizing amyloid deposits ... -
Çok Sınıflı Hücre Bölütleme için Derin Sinir Ağlarında Sınıf Ağırlıklı Cezalandırmanın Etkisi
(IEEE, 2024)Derin öğrenme ağları, birçok alanda başarılı sonuçlar vermekle birlikte karmaşıklıları sebebiyle aşırı uyum gibi problemlere sebep olmaktadır. Bu sorunu çözmek için birçok yaklaşım önerilmiş ve sınıf bazlı cezalandırma ... -
PBC-NAS: Periferik Kan Hücrelerinin Sınıflandırılması İçin Sinir Mimarisi Arama
(IEEE, 2024)Periferik kan hucresi (PBC) sınıflandırması, kanın bileşenlerini tanımlamak ve insan sağlığını etkileyen karmaşık ilişkilerini anlamak için temel bir araçtır. PBC’ler, eritrositler, lokositler ve trombositler gibi çeşitli ... -
Enhancing GPS Accuracy with Machine Learning: A Comparative Analysis of Algorithms
(IIETA, 2024)In the realm of wireless communications, the Global Positioning System (GPS), integral to Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), finds extensive applications ranging from vehicle navigation to military operations, ... -
Formation Control of Multiple Autonomous Mobile Robots Using Turkish Natural Language Processing
(MDPI, 2024)People use natural language to express their thoughts and wishes. As robots reside in various human environments, such as homes, offices, and hospitals, the need for human–robot communication is increasing. One of the ... -
Sahand: A Software Fault-Prediction Method Using Autoencoder Neural Network and K-Means Algorithm
(Springer, 2024)Software is playing a growing role in many safety-critical applications, and software systems dependability is a major concern. Predicting faulty modules of software before the testing phase is one method for enhancing ... -
Enhancing Resolution and Contrast in Fibre Bundle-Based Fluorescence Microscopy Using Generative Adversarial Network
(Wiley, 2024)Fibre bundle (FB)-based endoscopes are indispensable in biology and medical science due to their minimally invasive nature. However, resolution and contrast for fluorescence imaging are limited due to characteristic ... -
Detecting SQL Injection Attacks by Binary Gray Wolf Optimizer and Machine Learning Algorithms
(Springer, 2024)SQL injection is one of the important security issues in web applications because it allows an attacker to interact with the application’s database. SQL injection attacks can be detected using machine learning algorithms. ...