Real Time Balancing of Supply and Demand In Smart Grid By Using Storage, Controllable Loads and Smart Generations
SHOBOLE, Abdulfetah, & Arif KARAKAŞ. "Depolama, Kontrol Edilebilir Yükler ve Akıllı Üretimin Kullanılması ile Akıllı Şebekelerde Kaynak ve Talebin Gerçek Zamanlı Dengelenmesi." 2. Uluslararası İstanbul Akıllı Şebekeler Kongre ve Fuarı, (2014): 201-206.Özet
The power balance between supply and demand is essential
for reliable and stable operation of power grids. The mismatch
between supply and demand causes the frequency deviations
which results in malfunction of most of the electrical devices.
Moreover, it affects the system stability resulting in system
blackouts as that of USA, in 2003. In the smart grid concept,
there is a paradigm shift from central generations dominated
grid to integrating distributed generations throughout the
system. Most of the distributed generations have intermittent
characteristic. Due to this fact, it is not easy to schedule their
dispatch ahead of time like that of conventional generations.
Thus, in this study, a method of balancing demand and supply in real time is proposed. This method is feasible in smart grid
as Communication and Advanced Information Technologies
are used for real time data exchange about the generation,
demand, storage, market, environmental conditions, and other
necessary data. Additionally, in smart grid, taking the
advantage of demand response and storage systems, it is
possible to balance demand and supply in real-time. The
simulation is done by the DigSilent PowerFactorySimulation
tool for the proposed method.