Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Measuring Alexithymia via Trait Approach-I: A Alexithymia Scale Item Selection and Formation of Factor Structure
(Aves, 2017)
Introduction: It is not clear in the literature whether available instruments are sufficient to measure alexithymia because of its theoretical structure. Moreover, it has been reported that several measuring instruments ...
Comparison of The Classification Ratios of Four Depression Rating Scales Commonly Used in Turkey
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2017)
Objective: According to literature more than 20 depression scales are in use in Turkey.
Considering that depression is a popular area of study, it may not seem abnormally unusual
that there are so many measuring scales ...
Analysis of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) in Children and Adolescents from the Perspective of the Item Response Theory
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2013)
Analysis of the Center for Epidemiologie
Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) in children
and adolescents from the perspective ofthe
item response theory.
Examination of the Personality Characteristics of Pharmacists in the Framework of Five Factor Model and the Construction of Their Professional Profiles
(World Institute for Advanced Research and Science, 2014)
The aim of the study is to determine descriptive personality profiles of pharmacists by Five
Factor Personality Model in the context of a model study. Pharmacists as a professional group
is chosen for this study in ...
Using Personality Facets to Understand the Nature of Personality-Satisfaction Relationships Findings from Meta-Analytic Bifactor Latent Modeling
(Emerald Publishing, 2017)
Purpose – The relationships between the Big Five personality traits and life and job satisfaction have been
examined extensively. Despite this attention, however, most existing theories focus on a few global dimensions
of ...
A Study Intended to Develop a Turkish Procrastination Scale by Item Response Theory
(World Institute for Advanced Research and Science, 2014)
Although there are several definitions of procrastination, it can be defined as a behavioral
characteristic or disposition as postponing or delaying to perform a task or to make a decision.
Most of the research on ...
Development of a Self Report Stress Scale Using Item Response Theory-I: Item Selection, Formation of Factor Structure and Examination of Its Psychometric Properties
(Turkish Association of Neuropsychiatry, 2018)
Introduction: Due to the absence of Turkish psychometric devices
assessing stress, in the present study it was aimed to develop a stress
scale, and examine its basic psychometric properties.
Methods: Current study ...
The Relationship Among Personality, Cognitive Anxiety, Somatic Anxiety, Physiological Arousal, and Performance in Male Athletes
(Human Kinetics, 2016)
The present study examined the association between personality, competitive anxiety,
somatic anxiety and physiological arousal in athletes with high and low anxiety levels.
Anxiety was manipulated by means of an incentive. ...
The HEXACO–100 Across 16 Languages: A Large-Scale Test of Measurement Invariance
(Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020)
The HEXACO Personality Inventory–Revised (HEXACO–PI–R) has become one of the most heavily
applied measurement tools for the assessment of basic personality traits. Correspondingly, the inventory
has been translated to ...
The Comparison of Personality Profiles of Sports and Non-Sports Group by Six-Factor Model of Personality
(Horizon Research Publishing, 2018)
Since the HEXACO framework of personality is relatively newer than other models, the number of studies conducted relying on this model is fewer respectively. For this reason, the purpose of the present study is to examine ...