Browsing Tarih Bölümü by Language "eng"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Al-Idrīsī and a Translation and Commentary About the Far East from His Nuzhat Al-Mushtāq
(Istanbul University Press, 2020)This paper talks about the earliest Islamic knowledge on the Far East based on 8th – 12th century extant works on geography as well as travel accounts. It shows how pre-Islamic works on geography, e.g. the al-Ğuġrafyā of ... -
Bosnia: Geography and Society
(I.B. TAURIS & CO LTD, 2014)Bosnia, vast in extent and mountainous in character, has often been described in this way, with a heavy emphasis on the country’s natural wealth and its geostrategic position. Very mountainous, Bosnia stretches from the ... -
Commercial Deceit: Fraudulent Trade from the Ports of Cilicia and Cyprus to the Mamlūks
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2023)The article aims to examine the deceitful practices employed by traders in the eastern Mediterranean. It investigates three principal types of deception that Italian merchants in the Kingdom of Cilician Armenia and in ... -
Establishment and Continuity of the Rüstem Pasha Madrasa Library
(Burhan Çağlar, 2024)This article aims to contribute to Ottoman book culture studies regarding collections and foundation libraries. It examines the book collection of Rüstem Pasha, one of the viziers of the Süleyman the Magnificent, in the ... -
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi Kurucu Vakıfları ve Eğitim
(Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü, 2011)[No Abstract Available] -
The First Stage of The Rebellion Period, 1826-1831
(I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd, 2014)The beginning of the nineteenth century witnessed many changes in the Ottoman Empire in terms of reconstructing political and administrative structures in a centralized manner and, related to this, the creation of a ... -
Greek Band Activities in Macedonia Between 1904–1908: On A Hellenic Army History Monograph
(Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2014)Army History Directorate (AHD) of Grece has been publishing in English its some of its war history monographies since 1997.1 One of them is this volume2 which is based on the revised second Greek edition in 1998.3 For ... -
İstanbul Yeni Cami (Yeni Valide) Külliyesi ve 19. Yüzyılda Geçirdiği Değişimler
(Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü, 2013)[No Abstract Available] -
(I.B. TAURIS & CO LTD, 2014)As mentioned in Chapter 4, there were two levels of leadership among the rebel forces. The first group included those who are generally described by the terms sergerde (head of bandits), reîs and rüesâ with various ... -
Maritime Slave Trading in Fourteenth-Century Famagusta
(Brill, 2019)The third city of Cyprus is called Famagusta, situate[d] on the seashore: here are the harbours of all this sea and realm and a concourse of merchants and pilgrims. It lies directly opposite to Armenia, Turkey and Acon. It ... -
Osmanlı Devleti'nden ABD'ye Ermeni Göçü (1860-1914) ve Ermeni Sorunu Üzerindeki Etkisi
(Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı, 2001-04)[No Abstract Available] -
The Ottoman Empire and The Bosnian Uprising : Janissaries, Modernisation and Rebellion in the Nineteenth Century Conclusion
(I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd, 2014)This study analyses the reasons why the people of Bosnia rebelled against the centralization and reform policies of the Ottoman Empire during the period between 1826 and 1836, the ways in which the rebels legitimized their ... -
The Ottoman Empire and The Bosnian Uprising : Janissaries, Modernisation and Rebellion İn The Nineteenth Century Introduction
(I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd, 2014)During my Masters degree study on the abolition of the janissary corps and its repercussions in 1826, I placed special emphasis on the provincial responses to the abolition. At the same time I realized that, among ... -
The Rebellious Kapudan of Bosnia: Hüseyin Kapudan (1802-1834)
(İsam, 2014)Bu makalede yerel bir Bosna beyi olan Hüseyin Kapudan’a odaklanmakta ve ona, merkezi otoriteye karşı duracak gücü veren 19. yüzyıl Bosna’sının dinamikleri analiz edilmektedir. İlk olarak Hüseyin Kapudan’ın aile geçmişini ... -
(I.B. TAURIS & CO LTD, 2014)Bunlar cemî‘ zamânda ve her bir husûsda şu‘ûrlarında fahr ü mübâhât edecek ve cümle ehl-i İslâma tafazzul ve rüchân gösterecek etvârı kendülere sermâye-i rif‘at add ü zan eylemiş müdemmağ tâife olduklarından bu bâbda ... -
The Second Stage of the Rebellion Period, 1831-1836
(I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd, 2014)As mentioned in the previous chapter, the muhafız of Vidin, İbrahim Pașa, was appointed to the valilik of Bosnia at the end of June 1831. When İbrahim Pașa was preparing to leave Üsküb for Yenipazar on 2 September ... -
Yunanistan'da Osmanlı Mirası : 19. Yüzyılda Türk Emlaki Meselesi (1830-1850)
(IRCICA, 2006-11)[No Abstract Available]