Psychopathology and Associated Risk Factors Among Forcibly Displaced Syrian Children and Adolescents

Göster/ Aç
Görmez, VahdetKılıç, Hale Nur
Örengül, A. Cahid
Demir, Merve Nursoy
Demirlikan, Şeyma
Demirbaş, Sibel
Babacan, Betül
Kınık, Kerem
Semerci, Bengi
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
GÖRMEZ, Vahdet, Hale Nur KILIÇ, A. Cahid ÖRENGÜL, Merve Nursoy DEMİR, Şeyma DEMİRLİKAN, Sibel DEMİRBAŞ, Betül BABACAN, Kerem KINIK & Bengi SEMERCİ. "Psychopathology and Associated Risk Factors Among Forcibly Displaced Syrian Children and Adolescents". Journal of Immigrant and Minorty Healty, 20.3 (2018): 529-535.Özet
More than half of the 2.7 million registered Syrian refugees in Turkey are under 18 years of age. This study investigates
prevalence of psychopathology and associated risk factors in refugee children in Turkey. Of a total of 218 children aged
9–15 years, 56.2% lost someone important to them, 55.1% saw dead or wounded people, 70.4% witnessed explosions or gun
battles, 42.5% witnessed people being tortured and 25.6% personally experienced cruelty/torture during war. Prevalence of
PTSD was 18.3% and that of anxiety-related disorders were as high as 69.0%. Death of an important person (p = .032) and
male gender (p = .040) were associated with PTSD; whilst exposure to cruelty or torture (p = .014) and increasing duration of
refuge (p = .042) were significantly associated with development of anxiety disorders. Findings of the present study reveals
existence of the expected but unspoken mental health needs among the Syrian children in Turkey.