Browsing Mühendislik Fakültesi / Faculty of Engineering by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 475
Structural Characterization of Boride Layer on Boronized Ductile Irons
(Elsevier, 2004)In this work, some surface properties of ductile irons were improved by a them1o-chemical boronizing process. Boronizing wasperfom1ed in a slurry salt bath consisting of borax, boric acid and ferro-silicon at 850 and 950 ... -
On Reduced and Semicommutative Modules
(TÜBİTAK, 2006)In this paper, various results of reduced and semicommutative rings are extended to reduced and semicommutative modules. In particular, we show: (1) For a principally quasi-Baer module, MR is semicommutative if and only ... -
Production and Characterisation of Silicon Carbide Particulate Reinforced Aluminium-Copper Alloy Matrix Composites by Direct Squeeze Casting Method
(Elsevier, 2006)In th is study, the effects of volume fraction of SiC on microstructure, hardness and tensile properties as well as density have been investigated in Al-4.5Cu-3Mg matrix al loy and its 5, 10, and 15 vol.% SiC particle ... -
On Semicommutative Modules and Rings
(Department of Mathematics at Kyungpook National University, 2007)We say a module MR a semicommutative module if for any m 2 M and any a 2 R, ma = 0 implies mRa = 0. This paper gives various properties of reduced, Armendariz, Baer, Quasi-Baer, p:p: and p:q:-Baer rings to extend to ... -
Abelian Modules
(Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Comenius University, 2009)In this note, we introduce abelian modules as a generalization of abelian rings. Let R be an arbitrary ring with identity. A module M is called abelian if, for any m 2 M and any a 2 R, any idempotent e 2 R, mae = mea. ... -
On Symmetric Modules
(Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma, 2009)[No Abstract Available] -
On a Class of Semicommutative Modules
(Springer, 2009)Let R be a ring with identity,M a right R-module and S = EndR(M). In this note, we introduce S-semicommutative, S-Baer, S-q.-Baer and S-p.q.-Baer modules. We study the relations between these classes of modules. Also we ... -
On Abelian Rings
(TÜBİTAK, 2010)Let α be an endomorphism of an arbitrary ring R with identity. In this note, we introduce the notion of α-abelian rings which generalizes abelian rings. We prove that α-reduced rings, α-symmetric rings, α-semicommutative ... -
Uluslararası eğitim sektörü ve Türkiye'nin durumu
(Dünya Gazetesi, 2010)Küreselleşme denince en çok akla gelen; çokuluslu şirketler (dışa açık sınır aşan firmalar), şaşırtan multimedya (uzaklığı yok eden teknolojiler) ve yabancı öğrenci-öğretim elemanı yoğun üniversitelerdir. Akademik küreselleşme, ... -
Central Armendariz Rings
(Bulletein of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2011)We introduce the notion of central Armendariz rings which are a generalization of Armendariz rings and investigate their properties. We show that the class of central Armendariz rings lies strictly between classes of ... -
On Principally Quasi-Baer Modules
(Aulona Press, 2011)Let R be an arbitrary ring with identity and M a right R-module with S = EndR(M). In this paper, we introduce a class of modules that is a generalization of principally quasi-Baer rings and Baer modules. The mod- ule ... -
On a Class of Semicommutative Rings
(Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University, 2011)In this paper, a generalization of the class of semicommutative rings is inves- tigated. A ring R is called central semicommutative if for any a; b 2 R, ab = 0 implies arb is a central element of R for each r 2 R. We ... -
Su, Her Yerde Su…
(Dünya Gazetesi, 2011)Su çok önemli küresel bir üründür. Yer kabuğunun %70'i su ile kaplıdır. Bu su kütlesinin %97,5'i tuzlu, %2,5'i ise tatlı sudur. Tatlı suyun 2/3'ünü buzullar ve yer altı suları oluşturur. İnsanlar dünyadaki suların ancak ... -
Performance Comparison of Thermal-Sprayed Coatings for Ductile Iron Pipe
(NACE International, 2011)Ductile iron (DT) pipe is one of rhe most commonly used pipe materia ls for water tra nsmission se t-vi ce. The corrosion of metallic water m<Jins occurs because of several environmen tal conditions. 1•2 Common causes ... -
Accelerated Corrosion Behaviors of Zn, Al AND Zn/15Al Coatings on a Steel Surface
(Inst za kovinske materiale in tehnologie, 2011)Zn, Al and Zn/15Al coatings can be produced in optimum conditions by the twin wire arc (TWEA) spraying technique. The coatings are used for corrosion protection in a variety of industrial applications. In this study, the ... -
Comparison of Corrosion Performance of Zn and Zn/Al 85/15 Coatings Produced by TWEA
(Trans Tech Publications, 2011)Zn and Zn/Al 85/15 coatings are produced at optimum conditions by twin wire electric arc (TWEA) spraying technique and are used in various industrial applications to improve corrosion protection. As an alternative for ... -
The Current Trenchless Experiences and Rehabilitation Needs of Sewer System in Istanbul
(International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT), 2011)Istanbul has become a center of attraction for three civilizations for 3000 years. As it is famous ancient city of the world and it has growing population, the importance of Trenchless Methods is obvious. There are many ... -
On Rickart Modules
(Iranian Mathematical Society, 2012)We investigate some properties of Rickart modules defined by Rizvi and Roman. Let R be an arbitrary ring with identity and M be a right R-module with S = EndR(M). A module M is called to be Rickart if for any f 2 S, ... -
Üniversitelerin finansmanı ve öğrenci harçları
(Dünya Gazetesi, 2012)Yükseköğretim masraflarının artması eğitimcileri ve politikacıları telaşlandırmaktadır. Üniversite maliyetleri ile ilgili ana unsur, teknolojinin eğitim ve öğretimi çok fazla etkilemesi, bazen masrafları düşürmesi, bazen ... -
Hurda Araçlar ve Enerji Tasarrufu
(Dünya Gazetesi, 2012)Trafik güvenliğinin çok önemli sorun olduğu büyük kentlerimizde problem giderek kronikleşmektedir. Şehirlerimizde yol hacmi sabit kalırken (veya çok az artarken) araç sayısı yıllar içinde katlanmakta ve ulaşım baş edilmez ...