The Best Approximation of Generalized Fuzzy Numbers Based on Scaled Metric

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Allahviranloo, TofighSaneifard, Rasoul
Saneifard, Rahim
Kiani, Farzad
Noeiaghdam, Samad
Govindan, Vediyappan
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ALLAHVİRANLOO, Tofigh,Rasoul SANEİFARD, Rahim SANEİFARD, Farzad KİANİ, Samad NOEİAGHDAM & Vediyappan GOVİNDAN."The Best Approximation of Generalized Fuzzy Numbers Based on Scaled Metric". Hindawi Journal of Mathematics, (2022).Abstract
The ongoing study has been vehemently allocated to propound an ameliorated α-weighted generalized approximation of an arbitrary fuzzy number. This method sets out to lessen the distance between the original fuzzy set and its approximation. In an effort to elaborate the study, formulas are designed for computing the ameliorated approximation by using a multitude of examples. The numerical samples will be exemplified to illuminate the improvement of the nearest triangular approximation (Abbasbandy et al., Triangular approximation of fuzzy numbers using α-weighted valuations, Soft Computing, 2019). A variety of features of the ameliorated approximation are then proved. © 2022 Tofigh Allahviranloo et al.