A Novel Metaheuristic Based Method for Software Mutation Test Using the Discretized and Modified Forrest Optimization Algorithm

Göster/ Aç
Arasteh, BahmanGharehchopogh, Farhad Soleimanian
Güneş, Peri
Kiani, Farzad
Torkamanian‑Afshar, Mahsa
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Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
ARASTEH, Bahman, Farhad Soleimanian GHAREHCHOPOGH, Peri GÜNEŞ, Farzad KİANİ & Mahsa TORKAMANİAN‑AFSHAR. "A Novel Metaheuristic Based Method for Software Mutation Test Using the Discretized and Modified Forrest Optimization Algorithm." Journal of Electronic Testing, (2023).Özet
The number of detected bugs by software test data determines the efficacy of the test data. One of the most important topics
in software engineering is software mutation testing, which is used to evaluate the efficiency of software test methods. The
syntactical modifications are made to the program source code to make buggy (mutated) programs, and then the resulting
mutants (buggy programs) along with the original programs are executed with the test data. Mutation testing has several
drawbacks, one of which is its high computational cost. Higher execution time of mutation tests is a challenging problem in
the software engineering field. The major goal of this work is to reduce the time and cost of mutation testing. Mutants are
inserted in each instruction of a program using typical mutation procedures and tools. Meanwhile, in a real-world program,
the likelihood of a bug occurrence in the simple and non-bug-prone sections of a program is quite low. According to the 80–20
rule, 80 percent of a program's bugs are discovered in 20% of its fault-prone code. The first stage of the suggested solution
uses a discretized and modified version of the Forrest optimization algorithm to identify the program's most bug-prone paths;
the second stage injects mutants just in the identified bug-prone instructions and data. In the second step, the mutation operators are only injected into the identified instructions and data that are bug-prone. Studies on standard benchmark programs
have shown that the proposed method reduces about 27.63% of the created mutants when compared to existing techniques.
If the number of produced mutants is decreased, the cost of mutation testing will also decrease. The proposed method is
independent of the platform and testing tool. The results of the experiments confirm that the use of the proposed method in
each testing tool such as Mujava, Muclipse, Jester, and Jumble makes a considerable mutant reduction.