Existence of a Unique Solution and the Hyers–Ulam-H-Fox Stability of the Conformable Fractional Differential Equation by Matrix-Valued Fuzzy Controllers

Göster/ Aç
Eidinejad, ZahraSaadati, Reza
Allahviranloo, Tofgh
Kiani, Farzad
Noeiaghdam, Samad
Gamiz, Unai Fernandez
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
EİDİNEJAD, Zahra, Reza SAADATİ, Tofgh ALLAHVİRANLOO, Farzad KİANİ, Samad NOEİAGHDAM & Unai FERNANDEZ-GAMİZ."Existence of a Unique Solution and the Hyers–Ulam-H-Fox Stability of the Conformable Fractional Differential Equation by Matrix-Valued Fuzzy Controllers". Complexity, (2022):2-26.Özet
In this paper, we consider a conformable fractional diferential equation with a constant coefcient and obtain an approximation
for this equation using the Radu–Mihet method, which is derived from the alternative fxed- point theorem. Considering the
matrix-valued fuzzy k-normed spaces and matrix-valued fuzzy H-Fox function as a control function, we investigate the existence
of a unique solution and Hyers–Ulam-H-Fox stability for this equation. Finally, by providing numerical examples, we show the
application of the obtained results.