Performance Evaluation of Real-Time Video Processing Edge Detection on Various Platforms
TATAR, Güner, Salih BAYAR & İhsan ÇİÇEK. "Performance Evaluation of Real-Time Video Processing Edge Detection on Various Platforms". 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT), (2023).Özet
As real-time video processing applications grow in
complexity, they demand higher performance. Achieving such
a performance must involve a delicate balance between design
constraints and optimization of performance criteria. A vital
aspect of this balance is the integration of application-specific
accelerator designs to boost computational efficiency. To illustrate
this, we applied Laplacian High-Pass filtering operations on
real-time video signals across three hardware platforms an
ARM processor, an ARM+FPGA-based SoC, and a single-core
Intel i7 processor. We further analyzed these platforms’ priceperformance ratios. Our research revealed that the ARM+FPGAbased SoC executed the filtering algorithms 23.124 times faster
than the ARM processor and 1.969 times faster than the Intel i7
processor. Additionally, the ARM+FPGA-based SoC also showed
the highest price-performance efficiency. To offer readers a more
visual understanding, we include a resource utilization graph
for the SoC hardware accelerator development board, thus
demonstrating the efficiency of each platform tested.