Browsing Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 62
A 3-dB 90 Degrees Microstrip Hybrid Directional Coupler at 2.27 GHz
(Elsevier, 2023)A 90◦ hybrid-coupler in the 2.27 GHz range, offering high performance despite its size of 115.64 mm2 (18.36 λg), is introduced. The main factor that distinguishes this proposed design, positively, is that the device ... -
5.Nesil Haberleşme Sistemleri İçin Metamalzeme Tabanlı MIMO Anten Tasarımı
(IEEE, 2021)Bu çalışmada; 5. nesil haberleşme sistemleri için 28 GHz frekans bandında, metamalzeme tabanlı, 4 portlu MIMO anten tasarlanmıştır. İlk olarak, 50 Ω empedans değerine sahip mikroşerit besleme hattının tek tarafına ... -
Akı ve Kayma Frekansı Kestirimi ile Asenkron Motorun Algılayıcısız Skaler Hız Denetimi
(Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, 2022)Bu çalışma, asenkron motorun hız kontrolü için algılayıcısız bir skaler denetim algoritması ortaya koymaktadır. İlk olarak, motor gerilimleri ve akımları ölçülerek stator akısı tahmin edilmiş ardından asenkron motorun ... -
Analysis of a GaN based PWM AC-AC Converter with an Improved Switch Loss Model
(Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, 2021)AC-AC converters have a wide range of use in industrial applications mostly with installed silicon switches. In last decade, GaN’s are served to market with their high efficiency and fast on-off times, hence implementation ... -
Analytical Modelling and Optimization of Gapped Core Magnetics in LLC Converter
(IEEE, 2021)LLC converter design remains a challenging task as it is not straight-forward to choose the switching frequency range that can provide ZVS covering application dependent voltage gains, considering the fact that it is a ... -
Assessment of Optimum Renewable Energy System for the Somalia–Turkish Training and Research Hospital in Mogadishu
(MERC, 2021)Somalia–Turkish Training and Research Hospital in Mogadishu, is only powered by diesel generator currently. In this paper, the energy demand of this hospital is utilized by determining the optimum hybrid renewable energy ... -
Atomistic Origins of Compound Semiconductor Synthesis with Computational Neuromorphic Engineering
(IOP Science, 2024)We propose the usage of multi-element bulk materials to mimic neural dynamics instead of atomically thin materials via the modeling of group II–IV compound semiconductor growth using vacancy defects and dopants by creating ... -
Ayrıştırmalı Yükseltici Tip Güç Dönüştürücüsü İçin Gerçek Zamanlı Mikrodenetleyicili Kontrolcü Tasarımı
(Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2018)Devre ve kullanılan elemanların boyutlarını küçültmek, çıkış gerilimi dalgalılık ve darbe genlik modülasyonu doluluk oranını azaltmak için literatürde paralel yapıdaki yükseltici tip güç dönüştürücüsü önerilmiştir. Bu ... -
Battery Management Module with Active Balancing and Cell Switching
(IEEE, 2018)The lithium ion type battery has become commercially more popular than the traditional battery and the usage market has increased. The main reason for this expansion and increase is that it has a high voltage value and ... -
Charger Structure with Transistor Based Isolator for Parallel Charging of Series Connected Battery Cells
(IEEE, 2019)A new generation of highly efficient batteries is being developed to be used as a power source for electronic devices. Basic battery management systems do not charge the battery cells and require external chargers. For ... -
Clonal Selection Algorithm Based Control for Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Mobile Robot
(Elsevier, 2022)In this study, we propose adaptive control approaches based on optimization for a two-wheeled mobile robot. The mathematical model of the self-balancing vehicle based on the inverted pendulum principle, is derived from ... -
Comparative Realistic Objectives Oriented Optimization Framework for EV Charging Scheduling in a Distribution System
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022)The integration of large-scale electric vehicles (EVs) into the distribution system has emerged as a critical topic of research with the proliferation of EVs over the years. To mitigate the negative effects of EVs on ... -
A Comprehensive Disturbing Effect Analysis of Multi-Sectional Rotor Slot Geometry for Induction Machines in Electrical Vehicles
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021)Although the performance of an Induction Motor (IM) can be maximized for any speed by use of an inverter, there is still room to contribute by optimizing the rotor slot shape while decreasing the mechanical disturbing ... -
Computational Analysis of Device-to-Device Variability in Resistive Switching Through Single-Layer Hexagonal Boron Nitride and Graphene Vertical Heterostructure Model
(IOP, 2024)We quantify the device-to-device variations in resistive switching by considering a single-layer hexagonal boron nitride and graphene junction as a model. Then, we mimic the variations in the surface of a two-dimensional ... -
CPG-Based Autonomous Swimming Control for Multi-Tasks of a Biomimetic Robotic Fish
(Elsevier, 2019)This work emphasizes the artificial intelligent control of the developed biomimetic robotic fish (i-RoF) based on sensory feedback Central Pattern Generator (CPG) approach. In order to obtain rhythmic, robust and ... -
Cycle-to-Cycle Switching Endurance Variability in Vertically Aligned Nanocrystalline Molybdenum Disulfide: Computational Insights
(IOP, 2024)We propose a model to depict abrupt transient changes in the endurance test results of a resistive switching device comprising vertically oriented layers of nanocrystalline transition metal dichalcogenide layers with ... -
Design and Performance Analysis of Split Ring Resonator Based Microstrip Antenna With Defected Ground Structure
(IEEE, 2020)In this study, antenna performance improvement has been investigated without changing the antenna size at 2.45 GHz. For the proof of concept, three types of microstrip antenna is designed and simulated at 2.4 GHz. Type ... -
The Effects of the Dielectric Substrate Thickness and the Loss Tangent on the Absorption Spectrum: A Comprehensive Study Considering the Resonance Type, the Ground Plane Coupling, and the Characterization Setup
(TÜBİTAK, 2023)In this study, the effects of dielectric substrate thickness and the dielectric loss tangent on the absorption spectrum are investigated parametrically in S-band. The study has been conducted on two different absorber ... -
Efficiency and Power Density Optimization of Three-Level TP PFC
(IEEE, 2021)Si based three-level (3L) totem-pole (TP) Power Factor Correction (PFC) topology is a low cost alternative to two-level TP PFC with wide-band gap devices providing high power density and high efficiency. This study ... -
Electrical Size Reduction of Microstrip Antennas by Using Defected Ground Structures Composed of Complementary Split Ring Resonator
(Advanced Electromagnetics, 2021)In this study the effects of using defected ground structures (DGS) composed of a complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) and CSRR with dumbbell (CSRR-D) for rectangular microstrip antennas are investigated. On this ...