Detecting SQL Injection Attacks by Binary Gray Wolf Optimizer and Machine Learning Algorithms

Göster/ Aç
Arasteh, BahmanAghaei, Babak
Farzad, Behnoud
Arasteh, Keyvan
Kiani, Farzad
Torkamanian-Afshar, Mahsa
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
ARASTEH, Bahman, Babak AGHAIE, Behnoud FARZAD, Keyvan ARASTEH, Farzad KIANI & Mahsa TORKAMAIAN-AFSHAR. "Detecting SQL Injection Attacks by Binary Gray Wolf Optimizer and Machine Learning Algorithms." Neural Computing and Applications, (2024): 1-22.Özet
SQL injection is one of the important security issues in web applications because it allows an attacker to interact with the
application’s database. SQL injection attacks can be detected using machine learning algorithms. The effective features
should be employed in the training stage to develop an optimal classifier with optimal accuracy. Identifying the most
effective features is an NP-complete combinatorial optimization problem. Feature selection is the process of selecting the
training dataset’s smallest and most effective features. The main objective of this study is to enhance the accuracy,
precision, and sensitivity of the SQLi detection method. In this study, an effective method to detect SQL injection attacks
has been proposed. In the first stage, a specific training dataset consisting of 13 features was prepared. In the second stage,
two different binary versions of the Gray-Wolf algorithm were developed to select the most effective features of the
dataset. The created optimal datasets were used by different machine learning algorithms. Creating a new SQLi training
dataset with 13 numeric features, developing two different binary versions of the gray wolf optimizer to optimally select
the features of the dataset, and creating an effective and efficient classifier to detect SQLi attacks are the main contributions
of this study. The results of the conducted tests indicate that the proposed SQL injection detector obtain 99.68% accuracy,
99.40% precision, and 98.72% sensitivity. The proposed method increases the efficiency of attack detection methods by
selecting 20% of the most effective features.
Neural Computing and ApplicationsBağlantı