Yayın tarihi için Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Bölümü listeleme
Toplam kayıt 98, listelenen: 1-20
Computer Aided Detection of Pulmonary Embolism in Computed Tomography Angiography Images
(IEEE, 2013)Pulmonary Embolism (PE), one of the circulatory system problems, is the clinical result at the end of that the lung artery or one or a few branches of them are bunged up by clot of blood. Besides it is a hard disease ... -
Elektriksel Uyaran Tasarımı ve Somatosensoriyel Uyarılmış Potansiyeller (SUP)
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)Bu çalışma sinir ve kas uyarımı yapabilecek kabiliyette bir elektriksel uyarıcı tasarımını, elektriksel testleri ve cihazla yapılan fizyolojik deneyleri içermektedir. Cihaz 3 ayrı birimden oluşmaktadır; Uyarıcı kısım, ... -
A Novel Method for Pulmonary Embolism Detectionin CTA Images
(Elsevier, 2014)In this paper, we propose a new computer-aided detection (CAD) – based method to detectpulmonary embolism (PE) in computed tomography angiography images (CTAI). Since lungvessel segmentation is the main objective to provide ... -
Multilevel Sequential Logic Circuit Design
(International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ICOCS2014);International Journal of Electronics and Electrical engineering (IJEEE), 2014-03-20)Multilevel logic circuits has advantages of simpler circuit complexity, less interconnections and small chip area. However it has not found enough attention and applications because there is not sufficient hardware available. ... -
Cellphone-Based Hand-Held Microplate Reader for Point-of-Care Testing of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays
(American Chemical Society, 2015)Standard microplate based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are widely utilized for various nanomedicine, molecular sensing, and disease screening applications, and this multiwell plate batched analysis ... -
TEA Şifreleme Algoritmasıyla JPEG Görüntü Şifreleme
(IEEE, 2015)Günümüzde görüntü sıkıştırma ve şifreleme yöntemleri hem görüntülerin daha kolay iletilebilmesi hem de güvenliği açısından hayati önem taşımaktadır. Bu sebeple bu çalışmada JPEG standardı ve Tiny Encryption ¸ Sifreleme ... -
Comparative Analysis of Poly(N-methylpyrrole) and Its Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposite Film Formations Against Equivalent Electrical Circuit Model for The Their Corrosion-Inhibition Effects
(SAGE, 2015)Conducting polymers have been used for many years as coating materials against corrosion. However, the coated materials absorb water over time resulting in reduction of resistivity and anticorrosion properties. In this ... -
Electrochemical Growth of Pd Doped ZnO Nanorods
(The Electrochemical Society, 2015)In this work, dense arrays of pure and Pd doped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods (NRs) were fabricated by an electrochemical growth. Pure and Pd doped ZnO NRs were characterized via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray ... -
Travmatik Dalak Yaralanmalarının Tespitinde Tele-Tıp Uygulaması
(IEEE, 2015)İletişim teknolojileri kullanılarak, tıp alanında daha hızlı ve doğru tanı ve tedavi imkânları geliştirilmiştir. Tele-tıp olarak adlandırılan bu gelişme sayesinde doktor ve hastalar arasında daha hızlı iletişim kurma ... -
Poly(3-Methylthiophene) Thin Films Deposited Electrochemically on QCMs for the Sensing of Volatile Organic Compounds
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2016)Poly(3-methylthiophene) (PMeT) thin films were electrochemically deposited on quartz crystal microbalance QCM transducers to investigate their volatile organic compound (VOC) sensing properties depending on ambient ... -
A Comparison of Classification Methods for Telediagnosis of Parkinson's Disease
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2016)Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive and chronic nervous system disease that impairs the ability of speech, gait, and complex muscle-and-nerve actions. Early diagnosis of PD is quite important for alleviating the ... -
A Novel Automatic Rapid Diagnostic Test Reader Platform
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2016)A novel automatic Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) reader platform is designed to analyze and diagnose target disease by using existing consumer cameras of a laptop-computer or a tablet. The RDT reader is useable with numerous ... -
Effect of Intrinsic Polymer Properties on the Photo Sensitive Organic Field-effect Transistors (Photo-OFETs)
(Elsevier, 2016)In this work, we have demonstrated how the intrinsic properties of a conjugated polymer can influence the electro-optical characteristics of photo sensitive organic field - effect transistors (Photo-OFETs). Photo-OFETs ... -
Pd Thin Films on Flexible Substrate for Hydrogen Sensor
(Elsevier, 2016)In this work, palladium (Pd) thin films were prepared via RF sputtering method with various thicknesses (6 nm, 20 nm and 60 nm) on both a flexible substrate and a hard substrate. Hydrogen (H2) sensing properties of Pd ... -
Electrochemically Growth of Pd Doped ZnO Nanorods on QCM for Room Temperature VOC Sensors
(Elsevier, 2016)Pristine and various palladium (Pd) doped ZnO nanorods have been synthesized on the quartz crystalmicrobalance (QCM) for volatile organic compound (VOCs) sensors at room temperature. The dopingconcentrations were varied ... -
Adeno-Rota Virüs Testlerinin Tablet Bilgisayar Aracılığıyla Sonuçlandırılması
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016)Hastanelerin mikrobiyoloji laboratuvarlarında hızlı hastalık teşhis testleri (HTT) birçok hastalığın tespiti için yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Ancak testlerin sonuçlandırılma süreci göz ile manuel olarak ... -
Tablet Bilgisayar Aracılığıyla Helicobacter Pylori Testlerinin Otomatik Okunması
(IEEE, 2016)H zl Te his Testleri (HTT), hastanelerin mikrobiyoloji laboratuvarlar nda birçok hastal k sa sürede tespit etmek amac yla yayg n olarak kullan lan bir test yöntemidir. Bu testlerin sonuçland r lmas genellikle medikal ... -
A Novel Application to Increase Energy Efficiency Using Artificial Neural Networks
(IEEE, 2016)In this paper, a novel system application to recover electricity losses using an unsupervised learning, self-learning mapping mechanism is introduced. Actually, energy and its transmission are becoming a vital issue for ... -
An Alternative Carry-save Arithmetic for New Generation Field Programmable Gate Arrays
(Tübitak, 2016)In this work, a double carry-save addition operation is proposed, which is efficiently synthesized for 6-input LUT-based eld programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The proposed arithmetic operation is based on redundant ...