Attachment and Marital Adjustment: Mediating Roles of Emotion Regulation and Rejection Sensitivity
TEMİZ, Zahide Tepeli & Işıl BİLİCAN. "Attachment and Marital Adjustment: Mediating Roles of Emotion Regulation and Rejection Sensitivity". International Journal of Psychology, 58 (2023): 686.Özet
Attachment styles have important effects
in shaping and maintaining the adjustment
between couples. The development of emotion
regulation skills and sensitivity to rejection
in interpersonal relationships are explained
within the framework of attachment theory.
This study aims to examine the relationship
between romantic attachment patterns,
emotion regulation, rejection sensitivity and
marital adjustment. Also, the mediating effects
of rejection sensitivity and emotion regulation
will be examined. The sample consists of 346
married individuals living in the city of Istanbul
(Nfemale =173, Mage =39.78; Nmale =173,
Mage =43.19). The findings of the regression
analysis show that the anxiety and avoidance
dimensions of romantic attachment negatively
predict marital adjustment and relationship
satisfaction. In multiple regression analyzes,
it was found that the sensitivity to rejection
and difficulty in emotion regulation negatively
affected the marital adjustment. In addition,
while only the anxiety dimension of insecure
attachment predicts emotion regulation
difficulty, both anxious and avoidant attachment
patterns affect rejection sensitivity. The
findings of the mediation analysis show that
the increase in attachment anxiety amplifies
the difficulty in emotion regulation and this
decreases the adjustment between the couples.
Difficulty in emotion regulation fully mediates
the relationship between anxious attachment
pattern and marital adjustment. In summary,
the findings of the study support the attachment
theory and show that early structures
continue to affect romantic relationships in
adulthood. Based on the findings, therapeutic
interventions to regulate emotions are expected
to contribute positively to both attachment patterns
and the relationship quality of married