An Inset-Fed Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with Multiple Slits For Sub 6GHz – 5G Applications
KAŠİBOVİĆ, Alminko, Şehabeddin Taha İMECİ & Ahmet Fehim USLU. "An Inset-Fed Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with Multiple Slits For Sub 6GHz – 5G Applications". Sustainable Engineering and Innovation, 5.1 (2023): 15-21.Özet
This paper presents an inset feed rectangular microstrip patch antenna with multiple slits for sub 6 GHz - 5G Applications. This antenna is proposed with the development, design, running simulations, and finally a conclusion of the analysis. The antenna in this paper is implemented using a technique called “inset-feed” and multiple slits. The dielectric used as a substrate is FR-4. The proposed antenna is useful for a sub 6 GHz 5G band, which comes under the 5G band of frequency. The proposed and designed antenna gives the input match of -10.74 dB, and 5.99 dB gain at the design frequency of 5.045 GHz. These outputs are usable for 5G applications. The antenna is simulated and developed in a radio technology design software Sonnet.