The Ottoman Bosnian Uprising Empire and The Bosnian Uprising : Janissaries, Modernisation and Rebellion in the Nineteenth Century
TURHAN, Fatma Sel. "The Ottoman Bosnian Uprising Empire and The Bosnian Uprising : Janissaries, Modernisation and Rebellion in the Nineteenth Century". I.B. Tauris, (2014): 1-440.Özet
During my Masters degree study on the abolition of the janissary
corps and its repercussions in 1826, I placed special emphasis on the
provincial responses to the abolition. At the same time I realized that,
among the Ottoman provinces, Bosnia showed the strongest reaction
in that its cities and districts were not pacified for a long time. Even a
short perusal of archival documents showed that the period of
rebellion followed a fluctuating line, with short periods of
suppression, followed by recurring reactions. In addition, these
reactions were not limited only to ‘the professional janissaries’, but
almost all members of the various strata of society took an active part
in the rebellion. When I broadened my research, I realized that the
Bosnians were not only against the abolition of the janissary corps,
but were also uncomfortable about the changes brought about by the
centralization and reform policies of the state in general. In terms of
local issues, centralization and reform meant a new army for the
Bosnians as well as a new land system, a new administration, a change
in the status of non-Muslims to the disadvantage of Muslim Bosnians
and the establishment of a more interventionist state than before. The
reaction of the Bosnians against the centralization policies took the
form of outbreaks of rebellion against the Ottoman centre. This
reactionary position of Bosnia drove me to study the topic further.